Sunday, March 31, 2013 - Digest Number 3549

4 New Messages

Digest #3549


Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:03 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-::eSpAcE9808::-" rienacom

Mai pakat tolong cari OKU nie sat..!!
Posted by Kedah Lanie

Usaha cari anak OKU hilang masih belum berhasil
Wartawan Sinar Harian

Sum menunjukkan laporan polis yang dibuat bersama gambar anaknya.

KUBANG PASU - "Senyuman yang dilemparkan olehnya masih tergambar di fikiran saya." Itulah luahan seorang ibu, Sum Ali, 61, dari di Kampung Tok Pendik selepas bermimpi anaknya yang hilang sejak Disember lalu pulang.

Menurut Sum, sejak kehilangan anaknya, Yazli Ramli, 42, orang kurang upaya (OKU), dia menjadi buntu dan kebingungan apabila usaha untuk mencari anaknya sehingga kini belum ditemui.

"Sejak kehilangannya, sudah dua kali laporan polis dibuat namun sehingga kini makcik masih belum menerima apa-apa berita.

"Sehinggakan mak cik pernah bermimpi Yazli pulang ke rumah dengan tersenyum namun kegembiraan ini hanya sementara apabila makcik terjaga dari tidur," katanya.
Tambahnya, apa yang dirisaukan Sum adalah tentang keselamatan anaknya.

"Mak cik tidak tahu kaedah sepertimana yang perlu digunakan lagi untuk mengesan anak (Yazli) kerana gambarnya sudah diedar di merata tempat namun masih gagal dijejaki.

"Siang malam mak cik berdoa agar anak berjaya ditemui. Kemungkinan inilah jalan terakhir yang perlu dilakukan dan majlis doa selamat turut diadakan," katanya ketika ditemui.

Sum berkata, setiap kali mendengar berita mengenai terjumpa mayat dia akan bertindak ket empat kejadian untuk mengesahkan sekiranya yang ditemui itu adalah anaknya.

"Ibu mana tidak sayangkan anak. Walaupun keadaannya sebegitu mak cik tetap menyayanginya sepertimana anak-anak lain," katanya.

Katanya, setiap hari dia datang ke rumah Yazli yang bersebelahan rumahnya bagi melihat jika anak pulang tanpa pengetahuannya.

Orang ramai yang pernah melihat ataupun mempunyai maklumat mengenai gadis berkenaan diharap dapat menghubungi Sum di talian 012-5844008 .

Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:05 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-::eSpAcE9808::-" rienacom

Kambing Biri-biri Beku Disangkanya Babi
Posted by greenboc

Heboh, kecoh gegak gempita satu dunia apabila kambing dituduh sebagai babi dijual secara terbuka disebuah Pasaraya NSK, Selayang, Selangor D.E.

Mengapa perlu melatah dan membuat fitnah .. Bukankah rakaman gambar itu jelas kambing biri-biri beku impot yang ada dalam kereta sorong itu?

Sebab itu sebelum nak melancarkan serangan pastikan ianya berfakta bukannya ikut emosi semata-mata.

Yang menjadi masalah besarnya ada juga orang kita berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam percaya bulat-bulat dan ratah serta telan mentah-mentah kisah ini.

Kalau kambing dengan babi pun tidak boleh dibezakan baik tok sah jadi manusialah wei!!!!

Bukannya apa.. Omak kau kesian sungguh...semacam ada gerak mau menjatuhkan perniagaan NSK Selayang.. Itu jer.

Cubalah guna akal sikit.. Mana mungkin Pasar Raya dinegara ini akan jual daging babi secara terbuka..

Mengapa perlu wujudkan suasana dan iklim yang tidak harmoni dan tenteram dikalangan kita.

Apa faedah dan keuntungan yang kita dapat...Mohon rasional dalam menghebahkan berita dan cerita. -omakkau


Dah tak larat pulak saya nak bagitahu mana-mana rakan yang share cerita tentang babi diletakkan secara terbuka di pasar NSK. Ambik gambar tapi takde nak siasat , sekadar tengok dari atas saja. Lepas tu yang tukang share pun sama, takde nak siasat kebenaran cerita, maka ramailah yang menyebarkan cerita yang tak sahih kebenaran.

Kenapa ramai sangat suka share dosa? Dosa sendiri dah tak ada ke maka nak tambah dengan klik share cerita yang tidak sahih kebenaran.

Pernah anda lihat frozen lamb? Biri-biri agak gemok dari kambing. Malaysia memang import biri-biri frozen tetapi TIDAK import babi frozen.

Lihat apa chef Fidze Rahman ni kata, " Maaf : kalau sy mencelah seorang chef di hotel kl hampir 20thn,utk makluman semua itu adalah whole lamb carcase dr negeri aust,cuba anda perhatikn kain membalut lamb itu ada tulisan merah,tulisan merah itu adalah lebel dr negeri ia dtg,tarikh di sembelih,expire date,berat dan tanda ia telah di inspection di australia,sy menggunany setiap hari di hotel sy bekerja,klau anda biasa mkn di hotel apabila ramadhan anda akan dpt lihat kambing panggang jd itu lah bentukny,klau anda ke NSK ia akan di jual dlm bentuk part by part kambing,ini bermakna lamb atau pun mutton carcase yg anda lihat itu belum di potong part by part lagi..."

Saya ni cuma berpesan kerana kita ni beragama Islam. "Demi masa manusia itu dalam kerugian kecuali orang-orang yang berpesan-pesan dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran."

Sekadar berikan nasihat. Sebelum kita share sesuatu, pastikan apa yang kita share tu perkara yang benar2 jelas dan betul.

Saya tidak menyalahkan sesiapa, cuma takut2 kita tersebar fitnah jika ia tidak benar..

Sudah siasatkah gambar itu benar2 babi? Bukan biri-biri yang diimport?

Malaysia tidak import forzen babi, kerana Malaysia pengeksport babi keluar negara. Untuk eksport pemotongan tidak dilakukan dipasaraya tetapi dikilang.

Malaysia memang pengimport biri-biri frozen. kambing agak kurus, tetapi biri-biri memang gemok.

Jika itu babi sepatutnya laporkan ke JAKIM, bukan sebarkan di fesbuk jika kita seorang yang benar2 bertanggung jawap.

Mohon maaf jika teguran saya ni salah. -sumber:fb


Kak Uda ila said...

Kadang-Kadang Manusia itu lebih bodoh dari Vavi.

Terlebih excited sangat share apa-apa just untuk Wall FB dipenuhi setiap hari walaupun sesuatu srtikel itu meragukan kita sendiri.Beginilah jadinya.

Senang cerita Pasar ni berada dalam Negeri Selangor, Kalau kat Negeri lain rasanya makan tahun jugalah nak tersebar fitnah sebegini

Anonymous said...
Demo BODO.. hok tu pun demo takleh nak bezo. Tengok semula, perhati betul-betul gambar tu. Babi tu BABI..

Anonymous said...
Babi tu BABI. Tengok gambar pun tahu.

Faerie_Princess said...
begitulah manusia. apa2 "fakta" yg br dpt semua nk "share" sebelum siasat betul2 kesahihan nye. benda yg sahih xnk pulak share. apa2 maklumat yg mungkin akan mempengaruhi masyarakat, melibatkan maruah, negara patut disiasat dulu melalui badan2 yg SAH. bila dh sah baru le nk sebar merata tu hak masing2.

WarFitnah said...
Nate BABI mu!!! Mu laa BODO......leher panjaee gitu gak bokpo nyo BABI oak !!! kan kambing tuu, leher BABI kea pendek joo, ngok betul laa mu nie!!! BODOOOO MU

Anonymous said...
Kalau aku jadi NSK dh kena saman sapa2 buat fitnah ni..

Blh rugi bisnes mcm ni..

Barbie said...
dok biasa beli kambing yg dah potong2. bila tengok pamer sekoq2 mula laa nak merapu bukan2.

kot iyapun tanya laa tuan kedai tu..

segan bertanya sesat jalan.. kalau malas bertanya berhenti jadi 'orang'

Anonymous said...
Lagi satu Lawak Jumaat....

Babi ada tengkok panjang macam kambing ke???

Kalau kata "Pengundi Hantu TOGEL" boleh juga di pikir panjang...

Ini mesti budak budak DUMBNO lah nih.

gengster melayu alaf baru. said...
Satu hari nanti kaki planduk ada yg buat cerita kaki najib..ha..ha..haaaaa..

Anonymous said...
Vavi tgk pon gelak.. Tak leh nk bezakan.. Kesiannye!

Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:19 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

pengadu tu  buat laporan utk siasatan..maknaya dia tidak baling batu sembunyi tangan = juga maknaya dia bukan nak niat fitnah...public pula jgn lak pulak over react kaalau pengadu tersalah aduan...sebab bukan semua kerja chef atau bukan semua arif semua benda....pengadu  cuma SYAK....esok lusa nanti kata kalau jadi betul2 dan sapa pun tak nak cakap pasal takanak dilabel pemfitnah bagaimana? Lagi teruk jadinya..

juga hadkan penggunaan perkataan fitnah tu...biarlah org politik saja yg bermain dg perkataan tu ..macam satu pihak politik kata "org politik jgn main politik ?"
pasaraya tu pulak ambil iktibar jgn letak benda tu macamtu...supaya yg lain tak gelabah

From: -::eSpAcE9808::- <>
To: zzxmelayucyber <>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:05 PM
Subject: - Fw: Kambing Biri-biri Beku Disangkanya Babi



Kambing Biri-biri Beku Disangkanya Babi
Posted by greenboc

Heboh, kecoh gegak gempita satu dunia apabila kambing
dituduh sebagai babi dijual secara terbuka disebuah Pasaraya NSK, Selayang,
Selangor D.E.

Mengapa perlu melatah dan membuat
fitnah .. Bukankah rakaman gambar itu jelas kambing biri-biri beku impot yang
ada dalam kereta sorong itu?

Sebab itu sebelum nak melancarkan serangan
pastikan ianya berfakta bukannya ikut emosi semata-mata.

Yang menjadi
masalah besarnya ada juga orang kita berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam percaya
bulat-bulat dan ratah serta telan mentah-mentah kisah ini.

Kalau kambing
dengan babi pun tidak boleh dibezakan baik tok sah jadi manusialah

Bukannya apa.. Omak kau kesian sungguh...semacam ada gerak mau
menjatuhkan perniagaan NSK Selayang.. Itu jer.

Cubalah guna akal sikit..
Mana mungkin Pasar Raya dinegara ini akan jual daging babi secara

Mengapa perlu wujudkan suasana dan iklim yang tidak harmoni dan
tenteram dikalangan kita.

Apa faedah dan keuntungan yang kita
dapat...Mohon rasional dalam menghebahkan berita dan cerita. -omakkau


>Dah tak larat pulak saya nak bagitahu mana-mana rakan yang share cerita tentang babi diletakkan secara terbuka di pasar NSK. Ambik gambar tapi takde nak siasat , sekadar tengok dari atas saja. Lepas tu yang tukang share pun sama, takde nak siasat kebenaran cerita, maka ramailah yang menyebarkan cerita yang tak sahih kebenaran.
>Kenapa ramai sangat suka share dosa? Dosa sendiri dah tak
ada ke maka nak tambah dengan klik share cerita yang tidak sahih
>Pernah anda lihat frozen lamb? Biri-biri agak gemok dari
kambing. Malaysia memang import biri-biri frozen tetapi TIDAK import babi
>Lihat apa chef Fidze Rahman ni kata, " Maaf : kalau sy mencelah seorang chef di hotel kl hampir 20thn,utk makluman semua itu
adalah whole lamb carcase dr negeri aust,cuba anda perhatikn kain membalut
lamb itu ada tulisan merah,tulisan merah itu adalah lebel dr negeri ia
dtg,tarikh di sembelih,expire date,berat dan tanda ia telah di inspection di
australia,sy menggunany setiap hari di hotel sy bekerja,klau anda biasa mkn di
hotel apabila ramadhan anda akan dpt lihat kambing panggang jd itu lah
bentukny,klau anda ke NSK ia akan di jual dlm bentuk part by part kambing,ini
bermakna lamb atau pun mutton carcase yg anda lihat itu belum di potong part
by part lagi..."
>Saya ni cuma berpesan kerana kita ni beragama Islam.
"Demi masa manusia itu dalam kerugian kecuali orang-orang yang berpesan-pesan
dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran."
>Sekadar berikan
nasihat. Sebelum kita share sesuatu, pastikan apa yang kita share tu perkara
yang benar2 jelas dan betul.
>Saya tidak menyalahkan sesiapa, cuma
takut2 kita tersebar fitnah jika ia tidak benar..
>Sudah siasatkah
gambar itu benar2 babi? Bukan biri-biri yang diimport?
>Malaysia tidak
import forzen babi, kerana Malaysia pengeksport babi keluar negara. Untuk
eksport pemotongan tidak dilakukan dipasaraya tetapi dikilang.
memang pengimport biri-biri frozen. kambing agak kurus, tetapi biri-biri
memang gemok.
>Jika itu babi sepatutnya laporkan ke JAKIM, bukan
sebarkan di fesbuk jika kita seorang yang benar2 bertanggung
>Mohon maaf jika teguran saya ni salah. -sumber:fb
Kak Uda
ila said...
Kadang-Kadang Manusia itu lebih bodoh dari Vavi.

Terlebih excited sangat share apa-apa just untuk Wall FB dipenuhi
setiap hari walaupun sesuatu srtikel itu meragukan kita sendiri.Beginilah

Senang cerita Pasar ni berada dalam Negeri Selangor, Kalau kat
Negeri lain rasanya makan tahun jugalah nak tersebar fitnah
Anonymous said...
Demo BODO.. hok tu pun demo takleh nak bezo. Tengok semula, perhati betul-betul gambar tu. Babi tu BABI..
Anonymous said...
Babi tu BABI. Tengok gambar pun tahu.
Faerie_Princess said...
begitulah manusia. apa2 "fakta" yg br dpt semua nk "share" sebelum siasat betul2 kesahihan nye. benda yg sahih xnk pulak share. apa2 maklumat yg mungkin akan mempengaruhi masyarakat, melibatkan maruah, negara patut disiasat dulu melalui badan2 yg SAH. bila dh sah baru le nk sebar merata tu hak masing2.
WarFitnah said...
Nate BABI mu!!! Mu laa BODO......leher panjaee gitu gak bokpo nyo BABI oak !!! kan kambing tuu, leher BABI kea pendek joo, ngok betul laa mu nie!!! BODOOOO MU
Anonymous said...
Kalau aku jadi NSK dh kena saman sapa2 buat fitnah ni..

Blh rugi bisnes mcm ni..
Barbie said...
dok biasa beli kambing yg dah potong2. bila tengok pamer sekoq2 mula laa nak merapu bukan2.

kot iyapun tanya laa tuan
kedai tu..

segan bertanya sesat jalan.. kalau malas bertanya berhenti
jadi 'orang&#39;

Anonymous said...
Lagi satu Lawak Jumaat....

Babi ada tengkok
panjang macam kambing ke???

Kalau kata "Pengundi Hantu TOGEL" boleh
juga di pikir panjang...

Ini mesti budak budak DUMBNO lah
gengster melayu alaf baru. said...
Satu hari nanti kaki planduk ada yg buat cerita kaki najib..ha..ha..haaaaa..
Anonymous said...
Vavi tgk pon gelak.. Tak leh nk bezakan.. Kesiannye!

Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

pengadu tu  buat laporan utk siasatan..maknaya dia tidak baling batu sembunyi tangan = juga maknaya dia bukan nak niat fitnah...public pula jgn lak pulak over react kaalau pengadu tersalah aduan...sebab bukan semua kerja chef atau bukan semua arif semua benda....pengadu  cuma SYAK....esok lusa nanti kata kalau jadi betul2 dan sapa pun tak nak cakap pasal takanak dilabel pemfitnah bagaimana? Lagi teruk jadinya..

juga hadkan penggunaan perkataan fitnah tu...biarlah org politik saja yg bermain dg perkataan tu ..macam satu pihak politik kata "org politik jgn main politik ?"
pasaraya tu pulak ambil iktibar jgn letak benda tu macamtu...supaya yg lain tak gelabah

From: -::eSpAcE9808::- <>
To: zzxmelayucyber <>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 11:05 PM
Subject: - Fw: Kambing Biri-biri Beku Disangkanya Babi



Kambing Biri-biri Beku Disangkanya Babi
Posted by greenboc

Heboh, kecoh gegak gempita satu dunia apabila kambing
dituduh sebagai babi dijual secara terbuka disebuah Pasaraya NSK, Selayang,
Selangor D.E.

Mengapa perlu melatah dan membuat
fitnah .. Bukankah rakaman gambar itu jelas kambing biri-biri beku impot yang
ada dalam kereta sorong itu?

Sebab itu sebelum nak melancarkan serangan
pastikan ianya berfakta bukannya ikut emosi semata-mata.

Yang menjadi
masalah besarnya ada juga orang kita berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam percaya
bulat-bulat dan ratah serta telan mentah-mentah kisah ini.

Kalau kambing
dengan babi pun tidak boleh dibezakan baik tok sah jadi manusialah

Bukannya apa.. Omak kau kesian sungguh...semacam ada gerak mau
menjatuhkan perniagaan NSK Selayang.. Itu jer.

Cubalah guna akal sikit..
Mana mungkin Pasar Raya dinegara ini akan jual daging babi secara

Mengapa perlu wujudkan suasana dan iklim yang tidak harmoni dan
tenteram dikalangan kita.

Apa faedah dan keuntungan yang kita
dapat...Mohon rasional dalam menghebahkan berita dan cerita. -omakkau


>Dah tak larat pulak saya nak bagitahu mana-mana rakan yang share cerita tentang babi diletakkan secara terbuka di pasar NSK. Ambik gambar tapi takde nak siasat , sekadar tengok dari atas saja. Lepas tu yang tukang share pun sama, takde nak siasat kebenaran cerita, maka ramailah yang menyebarkan cerita yang tak sahih kebenaran.
>Kenapa ramai sangat suka share dosa? Dosa sendiri dah tak
ada ke maka nak tambah dengan klik share cerita yang tidak sahih
>Pernah anda lihat frozen lamb? Biri-biri agak gemok dari
kambing. Malaysia memang import biri-biri frozen tetapi TIDAK import babi
>Lihat apa chef Fidze Rahman ni kata, " Maaf : kalau sy mencelah seorang chef di hotel kl hampir 20thn,utk makluman semua itu
adalah whole lamb carcase dr negeri aust,cuba anda perhatikn kain membalut
lamb itu ada tulisan merah,tulisan merah itu adalah lebel dr negeri ia
dtg,tarikh di sembelih,expire date,berat dan tanda ia telah di inspection di
australia,sy menggunany setiap hari di hotel sy bekerja,klau anda biasa mkn di
hotel apabila ramadhan anda akan dpt lihat kambing panggang jd itu lah
bentukny,klau anda ke NSK ia akan di jual dlm bentuk part by part kambing,ini
bermakna lamb atau pun mutton carcase yg anda lihat itu belum di potong part
by part lagi..."
>Saya ni cuma berpesan kerana kita ni beragama Islam.
"Demi masa manusia itu dalam kerugian kecuali orang-orang yang berpesan-pesan
dengan kebenaran dan berpesan-pesan dengan kesabaran."
>Sekadar berikan
nasihat. Sebelum kita share sesuatu, pastikan apa yang kita share tu perkara
yang benar2 jelas dan betul.
>Saya tidak menyalahkan sesiapa, cuma
takut2 kita tersebar fitnah jika ia tidak benar..
>Sudah siasatkah
gambar itu benar2 babi? Bukan biri-biri yang diimport?
>Malaysia tidak
import forzen babi, kerana Malaysia pengeksport babi keluar negara. Untuk
eksport pemotongan tidak dilakukan dipasaraya tetapi dikilang.
memang pengimport biri-biri frozen. kambing agak kurus, tetapi biri-biri
memang gemok.
>Jika itu babi sepatutnya laporkan ke JAKIM, bukan
sebarkan di fesbuk jika kita seorang yang benar2 bertanggung
>Mohon maaf jika teguran saya ni salah. -sumber:fb
Kak Uda
ila said...
Kadang-Kadang Manusia itu lebih bodoh dari Vavi.

Terlebih excited sangat share apa-apa just untuk Wall FB dipenuhi
setiap hari walaupun sesuatu srtikel itu meragukan kita sendiri.Beginilah

Senang cerita Pasar ni berada dalam Negeri Selangor, Kalau kat
Negeri lain rasanya makan tahun jugalah nak tersebar fitnah
Anonymous said...
Demo BODO.. hok tu pun demo takleh nak bezo. Tengok semula, perhati betul-betul gambar tu. Babi tu BABI..
Anonymous said...
Babi tu BABI. Tengok gambar pun tahu.
Faerie_Princess said...
begitulah manusia. apa2 "fakta" yg br dpt semua nk "share" sebelum siasat betul2 kesahihan nye. benda yg sahih xnk pulak share. apa2 maklumat yg mungkin akan mempengaruhi masyarakat, melibatkan maruah, negara patut disiasat dulu melalui badan2 yg SAH. bila dh sah baru le nk sebar merata tu hak masing2.
WarFitnah said...
Nate BABI mu!!! Mu laa BODO......leher panjaee gitu gak bokpo nyo BABI oak !!! kan kambing tuu, leher BABI kea pendek joo, ngok betul laa mu nie!!! BODOOOO MU
Anonymous said...
Kalau aku jadi NSK dh kena saman sapa2 buat fitnah ni..

Blh rugi bisnes mcm ni..
Barbie said...
dok biasa beli kambing yg dah potong2. bila tengok pamer sekoq2 mula laa nak merapu bukan2.

kot iyapun tanya laa tuan
kedai tu..

segan bertanya sesat jalan.. kalau malas bertanya berhenti
jadi 'orang&#39;

Anonymous said...
Lagi satu Lawak Jumaat....

Babi ada tengkok
panjang macam kambing ke???

Kalau kata "Pengundi Hantu TOGEL" boleh
juga di pikir panjang...

Ini mesti budak budak DUMBNO lah
gengster melayu alaf baru. said...
Satu hari nanti kaki planduk ada yg buat cerita kaki najib..ha..ha..haaaaa..
Anonymous said...
Vavi tgk pon gelak.. Tak leh nk bezakan.. Kesiannye!
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Saturday, March 30, 2013 - Digest Number 3548

1 New Message

Digest #3548
1 by "almustaqeem" almustaqeem

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Friday, March 29, 2013 - Digest Number 3547

12 New Messages

Digest #3547
Re: GPS by "lan loqius" rxzabd
Re: GPS by "lan loqius" rxzabd
Re: GPS by "lan loqius" rxzabd
Re: GPS by "Ibn Muhd" adekchik
Re: Aircond tak sejuk by "lan loqius" rxzabd
Hab PRU 13 Lebai Google by "bashah" bwasi


Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:21 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"-::eSpAcE9808::-" rienacom

Pusara Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee, A.R Tompel Dan Saloma Musnah
Posted by celah gelegar

Menerusi beberapa keping gambar yang muncul dalam Internet, menunjukkan pusara Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramle, seniman agung negara musnah.

Biarpun begitu, punca kejadian masih belum dikenal pasti.

Turut musnah adalah pusara Allahyarham A R Tompel dan Allahyarmah Puan Sri Saloma. Kejadian berlaku di Tanah Perkuburan Jalan Ampang.

Klik untuk mengikuti laporan Astro Awani.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:32 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Bin Musa Noor Azam" okumasb

dari info pihak PERSATUAN SENIMAN yang melawat tanah perkuburan semalam......kerosakan itu berpunca dari sebatang pokok yang tumbang....pihak Persatuan Seniman ada membuat sedikit gotong-royong di lokasi semalam....mungkin buat masa nie..pihak yang berwajib tengah menguruskan untuk membaik pulih kubur-kubur yang rosak akibat pokok tumbang....

semua gambar boleh nengok di facebook...;type=3

From: -::eSpAcE9808::- <>
To: zzxmelayucyber <>
Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013, 10:19
Subject: - Fw: Pusara Allahyarham P Ramlee, Tompel & Saloma Musnah


Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee, A.R Tompel Dan Saloma Musnah
Posted by celah gelegar

Menerusi beberapa keping gambar yang
muncul dalam Internet, menunjukkan pusara Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramle, seniman
agung negara musnah. 

begitu, punca kejadian masih belum dikenal pasti. 

Turut musnah adalah pusara Allahyarham A R Tompel dan
Allahyarmah Puan Sri Saloma. Kejadian berlaku di Tanah Perkuburan Jalan

untuk mengikuti laporan Astro Awani.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:26 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Bin Musa Noor Azam" okumasb

From: Bin Musa Noor Azam <>
To: ">
Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013, 10:32
Subject: Re: - Fw: Pusara Allahyarham P Ramlee, Tompel & Saloma Musnah

dari info pihak PERSATUAN SENIMAN yang melawat tanah perkuburan semalam......kerosakan itu berpunca dari sebatang pokok yang tumbang....pihak Persatuan Seniman ada membuat sedikit gotong-royong di lokasi semalam....mungkin buat masa nie..pihak yang berwajib tengah menguruskan untuk membaik pulih kubur-kubur yang rosak akibat pokok tumbang....

semua gambar boleh nengok di facebook...;type=3

From: -::eSpAcE9808::- <>
To: zzxmelayucyber <>
Sent: Friday, 29 March 2013, 10:19
Subject: - Fw: Pusara Allahyarham P Ramlee, Tompel & Saloma Musnah


Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramlee, A.R Tompel Dan Saloma Musnah
Posted by celah gelegar

Menerusi beberapa keping gambar yang
muncul dalam Internet, menunjukkan pusara Allahyarham Tan Sri P Ramle, seniman
agung negara musnah. 

begitu, punca kejadian masih belum dikenal pasti. 

Turut musnah adalah pusara Allahyarham A R Tompel dan
Allahyarmah Puan Sri Saloma. Kejadian berlaku di Tanah Perkuburan Jalan

untuk mengikuti laporan Astro Awani.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:30 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"lan loqius" rxzabd

Bateri tu mmg lah. yg kuat makan bateri ialah backlight screen sebab sentiasa on. kena pakai charger kereta lah. lepas tu hala kan aircond ke phone utk sejuk sikit. Pasal roaming tu logik lah kot. Menangis bayar bil.
-Dak Lan-

From: Zaiedishaq <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: - GPS

Dah cuba instal Waze, dia punya makan battery pun boleh tahan jugak. pastu panas. nak tak nak kena letak depan aircond.
Masalahnya bila drive kat Singapore. Nak roaming? Mau menangis tengok bil..

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:21 PM, lan loqius <> wrote:

betul. Kelebihannya dia online smart traffic. Boleh tau jalan jem & route ke jalan yang x jem. Cuma kena ada connection internet jelah.

>-Dak Lan-
> From: Nazri Ahtar <>
>To: ">
>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:05 PM
>Subject: Re: - GPS
>tak try waze ? install kat henpon.
>symbian ada, android pun ada. rasanya lagi murah kalau dibandingkan dengan beli gps kat luar.

>Nazri Ahtar
> From: Zaiedishaq <>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:47 PM
>Subject: - GPS

>Nak tanya sikit ngan geng automobil.
>Saya bercadang nak beli stand alone GPS (sekarang ni guna Papago - hempon). 
>So nak tanya sikit mana brand yang terbaik (update map, accuracy, responsive)..?
>On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:34 PM, -::eSpAcE9808::- <> wrote:
>>Smartphone showdown: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs
Apple iPhone 5 Vs BlackBerry Z10 Vs Nokia Lumia 920
>>Who comes out on top in the battle of the leading handsets?
>>By Hannah Bouckley | Yahoo! Tech
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 was unveiled last week to great fanfare in
New York. It may only be March, but it's safe to say the successor to the 40 million selling Samsung Galaxy S3 will be one of 2013's most popular mobile phones, boosting the number of users on Google's Android operating system even further.
>>But how does it compare to the flagship smartphones from the other major operating systems: BlackBerry 10, iOS and Windows Phone?  Let's compare the Samsung Galaxy S4 to the BlackBerry Z10, Apple iPhone 5 and Nokia Lumia 920 to see how the numbers stack up.
>>Styling and build
>>The new Samsung Galaxy S4 at launch last week (AP)
>>Despite having the biggest screen, the Samsung Galaxy's plastic chassis means it's the second lightest
(130g) phone here and the same curved back as the Galaxy S3 means it should be incredibly comfortable to hold, if a little too big for some. Available in black and white, the styling hasn't evolved much, but if it ain't broke....
Apple iPhone 5 is the smallest and lightest phone here (112g) ensuring it is not only portable but the easiest to operate with one hand, although the diamond-cut bevelled edges mean it's not overly comfortable to hold. Combining glass and aluminium, it's an extremely well-built and attractive phone, although the back is scratch prone.
>>The Z10 marks a design departure for BlackBerry, but the black version is arguably the most conservative phone here. Build quality is excellent, weighing 136g it's not too heavy and can easily be used with one hand.
>>Available in eye-popping red and yellow, as well as white and black, the Nokia Lumia 920 really stands out from the crowd. It's made from a single piece of polycarbonate, which looks and feels exceptionally premium, weighing 185g, it is the heaviest phone here and may prove too weighty for some.
>>All the flagships here support 4G, but the iPhone 5 will only work on EE's 4G network, not forthcoming ones from O2 or Vodafone set to launch in
June this year.
>>An Apple iPhone 5 REUTERS/Lucas
>>With a 5-inch Full HD screen the Samsung Galaxy S4 offers the most real estate for movie viewing, with the highest resolution and pixels per inch. The Nokia Lumia 920 has a 4.5-inch HD screen and the BlackBerry Z10 a 4.2-inch HD screen. The Apple iPhone 5 has the smallest screen at 4-inches and is the only one without a HD resolution but you'd be hard pressed to tell with its 326ppi.
>>Numbers aside what really differentiates the screens is the technology used. The S4 is the only one with a
Super AMOLED screen, which means it will have deeper blacks and vibrant, more saturated colours, making it a good choice for movies. The other three phones use LCD technology, resulting in purer whites and more natural colours, which is typically a good choice for browsing.
>>Apple, BlackBerry and Nokia use their own technology and side by side results are very different. Nokia's PureView Motion+ has a 60Hz refresh rate reducing blur, visibility is good outdoors and the touchscreen even works with gloves. Apple's iPhone 5 Retina display is a good all-rounder with higher saturation and contrast than previous iPhones.  Finally the BlackBerry Z10's LCD screen is very sharp, but brightness and contrast aren't as good as the iPhone 5.
>>BlackBerry Z10
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 and Apple iPhone 5 come in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB versions. The Galaxy offers the option of expansion using a microSD card.  The BlackBerry Z10 also offers a card slot, but has just 16GB storage and the Nokia Lumia 920 offers double the storage, but no card slot. For the majority of people 16GB of storage will be enough, but if you download lots of games, record HD movies and have a vast music library, you'll need more storage or at least a memory card.
>>Operating system
>>A Nokia Lumia smartphone REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
>>The Galaxy S4 launches with Android Jelly Bean 4.2 overlayed with Samsung's own skin called TouchWiz, offering a wealth of customisation options that some may find a little complex. Samsung's added some outstanding features such as Picture In Picture,
Air Gestures and Group Play, and the Google Play Store offers over 800,000 apps.
>>In iOS on the iPhone 5 apps and features are in regimented rows, it's intuitive to use and the most user-friendly, but feels a little dated, lacking features like live widgets, although iCloud provides simple cloud backups and there's the voice-assistant Siri. The iOS App Store offers a huge choice of over 800,000 apps too.
>>BlackBerry 10 is the newest operating system and uses BlackBerry Flow navigation. Instead of a homescreen or buttons, move around the phone using gestures. Such a new system takes time to become familiar with and it's not as flexible as Android or Windows Phone, but with BlackBerry Hub to keep an eye on messages and the best native keyboard, it's a great choice for business and communication.
>>Windows Phone 8 on the Lumia
920 has tiles that snake down the screen vertically, some of which update live. Customisation options can't match Android, but it's the wealth of extra features that really stand out. SmartGlass is for controlling an XBox, Here Maps is a fully functioning sat nav and SkyDrive provides cloud backups.
>>With a 13-megapixel camera the Galaxy S4 offers the highest megapixel rating of the flagships and Samsung has equipped it with interesting new features like Dual
Shot, which takes pictures using the front and rear cameras simultaneously.
We've not had a chance to try out the Galaxy S4's camera, but more pixels doesn't necessarily mean better photos, it's the sensor, lens and in-camera technology that determine the quality of the photo, so it will be interesting to see how it compares.
>>Due to a combination of PureView technology and Carl
Zeiss optics the Lumia 920 performs very well in low light without a flash and comes with some useful Nokia 'lenses' adding extra features.
>>The iPhone
5's 8-megapixel camera is a good all-rounder, consistently scoring well in cameraphone shoot-outs, but very basic features mean to get the best from it, you'll need to download an app like Camera FX.
>>BlackBerry isn't known for its camera prowess and the Z10's 8-megapixel camera is good rather than outstanding, but the cool Time Shift mode lets you select an individual frame to pose your subjects just how you'd want.
>>Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 all offer very different user experiences - typically if you've invested in one by buying apps, you may not want to spend money on another. If you're buying your first smartphone it's definitely worth trying them out to see what you prefer.
>>On paper the Galaxy S4 is certainly appealing - it has a powerful processor, generous screen and some interesting new features, some useful and some gimmicky. Some will wish Samsung had tweaked the design, but (like Apple with the iPhone 4 and 4S), the company decided to stick to its guns. We're expecting new flagship phones from Apple and Nokia later this year, so it will be really interesting if they try and match the S4's hardware, or instead decide to focus on camera and interface improvements.
>>Developed to redefine the way we live, the GALAXY S 4 makes every moment of our life meaningful. It understands the value of relationships, enables true connections with friends and family, and believes in the importance of effortless experience.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:37 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"lan loqius" rxzabd

Penggunaan waze utk no.2 tu amat2 lah berkesan. Walau pun saya dah biasa jalan kat lembah klang ni tapi tetap jugak on Waze utk cari jalan mane yg x jem. Pasal nokia tu saya x bleh komen sebab x pakai phone nokia. Dulu pernah lah install garmin kat Nokia, tapi dah jual phone tu. Garmin punya device pun saya ada tapi lama dah x guna. Map pun x update. Guna bila dapat tahu lat & long je sebab kat Waze x ada portion utk keyin benda tu.
-Dak Lan-

From: Nazri Ahtar <>
To: ">
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: - GPS

ahaks, betul juga.

baik, saya tak tahu gps mana yang elok, sebab tak pernah guna pun..

apa yg saya guna sekarang nih

1. nokia, symbian belle, C7-00. ada GPS dan A-GPS.
- nokia map, free updates. mana2 country pun. just download n guna.
- lambat dapat signal satelite. once dah dapat, search n drive guide mmg cepat.
** saya guna bila easy driving, nak pi tempat jauh2 yang tak biasa. dan lagi cepat dari waze. dan saya guna bila tak ada internet access.

2. waze. AGPS.
- traffic jem giler babas. saya akan guna.
- cepat dapat signal satelite bila ada internet. kalau tak ada internet. APTB.
** saya guna bila tahu tempat saya nak pi tu jem tahap gaban baja hitam.

untuk kes bro nih, cuba search kat google reviews on gps devices. cuba cari additional features dalam gps tu, mungkin ada mp4 player sekali, boleh support bigger size memory card, battery duration yg lebih lama. bigger screen. ada fm transmitter, jd suaranya boleh pasang pada radio kereta utk dengar lebih jelas. contoh lah... :)
Nazri Ahtar

From: Zaiedishaq <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: - GPS

Dah cuba instal Waze, dia punya makan battery pun boleh tahan jugak. pastu panas. nak tak nak kena letak depan aircond.
Masalahnya bila drive kat Singapore. Nak roaming? Mau menangis tengok bil..

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:21 PM, lan loqius <> wrote:

betul. Kelebihannya dia online smart traffic. Boleh tau jalan jem & route ke jalan yang x jem. Cuma kena ada connection internet jelah.

>-Dak Lan-
> From: Nazri Ahtar <>
>To: ">
>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:05 PM
>Subject: Re: - GPS
>tak try waze ? install kat henpon.
>symbian ada, android pun ada. rasanya lagi murah kalau dibandingkan dengan beli gps kat luar.

>Nazri Ahtar
> From: Zaiedishaq <>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:47 PM
>Subject: - GPS

>Nak tanya sikit ngan geng automobil.
>Saya bercadang nak beli stand alone GPS (sekarang ni guna Papago - hempon). 
>So nak tanya sikit mana brand yang terbaik (update map, accuracy, responsive)..?
>On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:34 PM, -::eSpAcE9808::- <> wrote:
>>Smartphone showdown: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs
Apple iPhone 5 Vs BlackBerry Z10 Vs Nokia Lumia 920
>>Who comes out on top in the battle of the leading handsets?
>>By Hannah Bouckley | Yahoo! Tech
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 was unveiled last week to great fanfare in
New York. It may only be March, but it's safe to say the successor to the 40 million selling Samsung Galaxy S3 will be one of 2013's most popular mobile phones, boosting the number of users on Google's Android operating system even further.
>>But how does it compare to the flagship smartphones from the other major operating systems: BlackBerry 10, iOS and Windows Phone?  Let's compare the Samsung Galaxy S4 to the BlackBerry Z10, Apple iPhone 5 and Nokia Lumia 920 to see how the numbers stack up.
>>Styling and build
>>The new Samsung Galaxy S4 at launch last week (AP)
>>Despite having the biggest screen, the Samsung Galaxy's plastic chassis means it's the second lightest
(130g) phone here and the same curved back as the Galaxy S3 means it should be incredibly comfortable to hold, if a little too big for some. Available in black and white, the styling hasn't evolved much, but if it ain't broke....
Apple iPhone 5 is the smallest and lightest phone here (112g) ensuring it is not only portable but the easiest to operate with one hand, although the diamond-cut bevelled edges mean it's not overly comfortable to hold. Combining glass and aluminium, it's an extremely well-built and attractive phone, although the back is scratch prone.
>>The Z10 marks a design departure for BlackBerry, but the black version is arguably the most conservative phone here. Build quality is excellent, weighing 136g it's not too heavy and can easily be used with one hand.
>>Available in eye-popping red and yellow, as well as white and black, the Nokia Lumia 920 really stands out from the crowd. It's made from a single piece of polycarbonate, which looks and feels exceptionally premium, weighing 185g, it is the heaviest phone here and may prove too weighty for some.
>>All the flagships here support 4G, but the iPhone 5 will only work on EE's 4G network, not forthcoming ones from O2 or Vodafone set to launch in
June this year.
>>An Apple iPhone 5 REUTERS/Lucas
>>With a 5-inch Full HD screen the Samsung Galaxy S4 offers the most real estate for movie viewing, with the highest resolution and pixels per inch. The Nokia Lumia 920 has a 4.5-inch HD screen and the BlackBerry Z10 a 4.2-inch HD screen. The Apple iPhone 5 has the smallest screen at 4-inches and is the only one without a HD resolution but you'd be hard pressed to tell with its 326ppi.
>>Numbers aside what really differentiates the screens is the technology used. The S4 is the only one with a
Super AMOLED screen, which means it will have deeper blacks and vibrant, more saturated colours, making it a good choice for movies. The other three phones use LCD technology, resulting in purer whites and more natural colours, which is typically a good choice for browsing.
>>Apple, BlackBerry and Nokia use their own technology and side by side results are very different. Nokia's PureView Motion+ has a 60Hz refresh rate reducing blur, visibility is good outdoors and the touchscreen even works with gloves. Apple's iPhone 5 Retina display is a good all-rounder with higher saturation and contrast than previous iPhones.  Finally the BlackBerry Z10's LCD screen is very sharp, but brightness and contrast aren't as good as the iPhone 5.
>>BlackBerry Z10
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 and Apple iPhone 5 come in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB versions. The Galaxy offers the option of expansion using a microSD card.  The BlackBerry Z10 also offers a card slot, but has just 16GB storage and the Nokia Lumia 920 offers double the storage, but no card slot. For the majority of people 16GB of storage will be enough, but if you download lots of games, record HD movies and have a vast music library, you'll need more storage or at least a memory card.
>>Operating system
>>A Nokia Lumia smartphone REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
>>The Galaxy S4 launches with Android Jelly Bean 4.2 overlayed with Samsung's own skin called TouchWiz, offering a wealth of customisation options that some may find a little complex. Samsung's added some outstanding features such as Picture In Picture,
Air Gestures and Group Play, and the Google Play Store offers over 800,000 apps.
>>In iOS on the iPhone 5 apps and features are in regimented rows, it's intuitive to use and the most user-friendly, but feels a little dated, lacking features like live widgets, although iCloud provides simple cloud backups and there's the voice-assistant Siri. The iOS App Store offers a huge choice of over 800,000 apps too.
>>BlackBerry 10 is the newest operating system and uses BlackBerry Flow navigation. Instead of a homescreen or buttons, move around the phone using gestures. Such a new system takes time to become familiar with and it's not as flexible as Android or Windows Phone, but with BlackBerry Hub to keep an eye on messages and the best native keyboard, it's a great choice for business and communication.
>>Windows Phone 8 on the Lumia
920 has tiles that snake down the screen vertically, some of which update live. Customisation options can't match Android, but it's the wealth of extra features that really stand out. SmartGlass is for controlling an XBox, Here Maps is a fully functioning sat nav and SkyDrive provides cloud backups.
>>With a 13-megapixel camera the Galaxy S4 offers the highest megapixel rating of the flagships and Samsung has equipped it with interesting new features like Dual
Shot, which takes pictures using the front and rear cameras simultaneously.
We've not had a chance to try out the Galaxy S4's camera, but more pixels doesn't necessarily mean better photos, it's the sensor, lens and in-camera technology that determine the quality of the photo, so it will be interesting to see how it compares.
>>Due to a combination of PureView technology and Carl
Zeiss optics the Lumia 920 performs very well in low light without a flash and comes with some useful Nokia 'lenses' adding extra features.
>>The iPhone
5's 8-megapixel camera is a good all-rounder, consistently scoring well in cameraphone shoot-outs, but very basic features mean to get the best from it, you'll need to download an app like Camera FX.
>>BlackBerry isn't known for its camera prowess and the Z10's 8-megapixel camera is good rather than outstanding, but the cool Time Shift mode lets you select an individual frame to pose your subjects just how you'd want.
>>Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 all offer very different user experiences - typically if you've invested in one by buying apps, you may not want to spend money on another. If you're buying your first smartphone it's definitely worth trying them out to see what you prefer.
>>On paper the Galaxy S4 is certainly appealing - it has a powerful processor, generous screen and some interesting new features, some useful and some gimmicky. Some will wish Samsung had tweaked the design, but (like Apple with the iPhone 4 and 4S), the company decided to stick to its guns. We're expecting new flagship phones from Apple and Nokia later this year, so it will be really interesting if they try and match the S4's hardware, or instead decide to focus on camera and interface improvements.
>>Developed to redefine the way we live, the GALAXY S 4 makes every moment of our life meaningful. It understands the value of relationships, enables true connections with friends and family, and believes in the importance of effortless experience.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:42 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"lan loqius" rxzabd

Kalau stand alone saya prefer Garmin kot sebab saya pakai lama dah elok je lagi. Mber beli china punye papago kejap je rosak.
-Dak Lan-

From: MHZ <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:11 AM
Subject: Re: - GPS

standalone tak pasti.. sy penah pakai papago agak lembap.. sekarang sy pakai sygic.. pendapat saya 3x lebih baik dari papago.

On 26/03/2013 12:47 PM, Zaiedishaq wrote:

>Nak tanya sikit ngan geng automobil.
>Saya bercadang nak beli stand alone GPS (sekarang ni guna Papago - hempon). 
>So nak tanya sikit mana brand yang terbaik (update map, accuracy, responsive)..?
>On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:34 PM, -::eSpAcE9808::- <> wrote:

>>Smartphone showdown: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs Apple iPhone 5 Vs BlackBerry Z10 Vs Nokia Lumia 920
>>Who comes out on top in the battle of the leading handsets?
>>By Hannah Bouckley | Yahoo! Tech Talk 
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 was unveiled last week to great fanfare in New York. It may only be March, but it's safe to say the successor to the 40 million selling Samsung Galaxy S3 will be one of 2013's most popular mobile phones, boosting the number of users on Google's Android operating system even further.
>>But how does it compare to the
flagship smartphones from the other major operating systems: BlackBerry 10, iOS and Windows Phone?  Let's compare the Samsung Galaxy S4 to the BlackBerry Z10, Apple iPhone 5 and Nokia Lumia 920 to see how the numbers stack up.
>>Styling and build
>>The new Samsung Galaxy S4 at launch last week (AP)
>>Despite having the biggest screen, the Samsung Galaxy's plastic chassis means it's the second lightest (130g) phone here and the same curved back as the Galaxy S3 means it should be incredibly comfortable to hold, if a little too big for some. Available in black and white, the styling hasn't evolved much, but if it ain't broke....
>>The Apple iPhone 5 is the smallest
and lightest phone here (112g)
ensuring it is not only portable but the easiest to operate with one hand, although the diamond-cut bevelled edges mean it's not overly comfortable to hold. Combining glass and aluminium, it's an extremely well-built and attractive phone, although the back is scratch prone.
>>The Z10 marks a design departure
for BlackBerry, but the black version is arguably the most conservative phone here. Build quality is excellent, weighing 136g it's not too heavy and can easily be used with one hand.
>>Available in eye-popping red and
yellow, as well as white and black, the Nokia Lumia 920 really stands out from the crowd. It's made from a single piece of polycarbonate, which looks and feels exceptionally premium, weighing 185g, it is the heaviest phone here and may prove too weighty for some.
>>All the flagships here support 4G,
but the iPhone 5 will only work on EE's 4G network, not forthcoming ones from O2 or Vodafone set to launch in June this year.
>>An Apple iPhone 5 REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
>>With a 5-inch Full HD screen the Samsung Galaxy S4 offers the most real estate for movie viewing, with the highest resolution and pixels per inch. The Nokia Lumia 920 has a 4.5-inch HD screen and the BlackBerry Z10 a 4.2-inch HD screen. The Apple iPhone 5 has the smallest screen at 4-inches and is the only one without a HD resolution but you'd be hard pressed to tell with its 326ppi.
>>Numbers aside what really differentiates the screens is the technology used. The S4 is the only one with a Super AMOLED screen, which means it will have deeper blacks and vibrant, more saturated colours, making it a good choice for movies. The other three phones use LCD technology, resulting in purer whites and more natural colours, which is typically a good choice for browsing.
>>Apple, BlackBerry and Nokia use their own technology and side by side results are very different. Nokia's PureView Motion+ has a 60Hz refresh rate reducing blur, visibility is good outdoors and the touchscreen even works with gloves. Apple's iPhone 5 Retina display is a good all-rounder with higher saturation and contrast than previous iPhones.  Finally the BlackBerry Z10's LCD screen is very sharp, but brightness and contrast aren't as good as the iPhone 5.
>>BlackBerry Z10
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 and Apple iPhone 5 come in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB versions. The Galaxy offers the option of expansion using a microSD card.  The BlackBerry Z10 also offers a card slot, but has just 16GB storage and the Nokia Lumia 920 offers double the storage, but no card slot. For the majority of people 16GB of storage will be enough, but if you download lots of games, record HD movies and have a vast music library, you'll need more storage or at least a memory card.
>>Operating system
>>A Nokia Lumia smartphone REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
>>The Galaxy S4 launches with Android Jelly Bean 4.2 overlayed with Samsung's own skin called TouchWiz, offering a wealth of customisation options that some may find a little complex. Samsung's added some outstanding features such as Picture In Picture, Air Gestures and Group Play, and the Google Play Store offers over 800,000 apps.
>>In iOS on the iPhone 5 apps and features are in regimented rows, it's intuitive to use and the most user-friendly, but feels a little dated, lacking features like live widgets, although iCloud provides simple cloud backups and there's the voice-assistant Siri. The iOS App Store offers a huge choice of over 800,000 apps too.
>>BlackBerry 10 is the newest operating system and uses BlackBerry Flow navigation. Instead of a homescreen or buttons, move around the phone using gestures. Such a new system takes time to become familiar with and it's not as flexible as Android or Windows Phone, but with BlackBerry Hub to keep an eye on messages and the best native keyboard, it's a great choice for business and communication.
>>Windows Phone 8 on the Lumia 920
has tiles that snake down the
screen vertically, some of which
update live. Customisation options can't match Android, but it's the wealth of extra features that really stand out. SmartGlass is for controlling an XBox, Here Maps is a fully functioning sat nav and SkyDrive provides cloud backups.
>>With a 13-megapixel camera the Galaxy S4 offers the highest megapixel rating of the flagships and Samsung has equipped it with interesting new features like Dual Shot, which takes pictures using the front and rear cameras simultaneously. We've not had a chance to try out the Galaxy S4's camera, but more pixels doesn't necessarily mean better photos, it's the sensor, lens and in-camera technology that determine the quality of the photo, so it will be interesting to see how it compares.
>>Due to a combination of PureView
technology and Carl Zeiss optics
the Lumia 920 performs very well
in low light without a flash and comes with some useful Nokia 'lenses' adding extra features.
>>The iPhone 5's 8-megapixel camera
is a good all-rounder,
consistently scoring well in cameraphone shoot-outs, but very basic features mean to get the best from it, you'll need to download an app like Camera FX.
>>BlackBerry isn't known for its camera prowess and the Z10's 8-megapixel camera is good rather than outstanding, but the cool Time Shift mode lets you select an individual frame to pose your subjects just how you'd want.
>>Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 all offer very different user experiences - typically if you've invested in one by buying apps, you may not want to spend money on another. If you're buying your first smartphone it's definitely worth trying them out to see what you prefer.
>>On paper the Galaxy S4 is
certainly appealing - it has a powerful processor, generous screen and some interesting new features, some useful and some gimmicky. Some will wish Samsung had tweaked the design, but (like Apple with the iPhone 4 and 4S), the company decided to stick to its guns. We're expecting new flagship phones from Apple and Nokia later this year, so it will be really interesting if they try and match the S4's hardware, or instead decide to focus on camera and interface improvements.
>>Developed to redefine the way we live, the GALAXY S 4 makes every moment of our life meaningful. It understands the value of relationships, enables true connections with friends and family, and believes in the importance of effortless experience.

Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:02 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Ibn Muhd" adekchik

Waze memang best. Siap tukar laluan lagi kalu jln asal tu jem. ETA pun agak tepat jgk. Mmc selalu pakai bila balik kerja. memang x sama jalan yg dipakai bergantung kpd kesesakan.

Kadang tu siap masuk celah2 jln yg x biasa pun ada, walaupun kita biasa ikut jln besar.

Memang berguna utk cari jalan yg paling cepat dan dekat, bukan setakat cari jalan yg tak biasa.

Sangkut jer kt phone holder tu, sambil cas hp, kalu tak alamat kering la bateri.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 9:37 PM CDT lan loqius wrote:

>Penggunaan waze utk no.2 tu amat2 lah berkesan. Walau pun saya dah biasa jalan kat lembah klang ni tapi tetap jugak on Waze utk cari jalan mane yg x jem. Pasal nokia tu saya x bleh komen sebab x pakai phone nokia. Dulu pernah lah install garmin kat Nokia, tapi dah jual phone tu. Garmin punya device pun saya ada tapi lama dah x guna. Map pun x update. Guna bila dapat tahu lat & long je sebab kat Waze x ada portion utk keyin benda tu.

>-Dak Lan-
> From: Nazri Ahtar <>
>To: ">
>Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 9:06 AM
>Subject: Re: - GPS
>ahaks, betul juga.
>baik, saya tak tahu gps mana yang elok, sebab tak pernah guna pun..
>apa yg saya guna sekarang nih
>1. nokia, symbian belle, C7-00. ada GPS dan A-GPS.
>- nokia map, free updates. mana2 country pun. just download n guna.
>- lambat dapat signal satelite. once dah dapat, search n drive guide mmg cepat.
>** saya guna bila easy driving, nak pi tempat jauh2 yang tak biasa. dan lagi cepat dari waze. dan saya guna bila tak ada internet access.
>2. waze. AGPS.
>- traffic jem giler babas. saya akan guna.
>- cepat dapat signal satelite bila ada internet. kalau tak ada internet. APTB.
>** saya guna bila tahu tempat saya nak pi tu jem tahap gaban baja hitam.
>untuk kes bro nih, cuba search kat google reviews on gps devices. cuba cari additional features dalam gps tu, mungkin ada mp4 player sekali, boleh support bigger size memory card, battery duration yg lebih lama. bigger screen. ada fm transmitter, jd suaranya boleh pasang pada radio kereta utk dengar lebih jelas. contoh lah... :)

>Nazri Ahtar
> From: Zaiedishaq <>
>Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 8:34 AM
>Subject: Re: - GPS

>Dah cuba instal Waze, dia punya makan battery pun boleh tahan jugak. pastu panas. nak tak nak kena letak depan aircond.
>Masalahnya bila drive kat Singapore. Nak roaming? Mau menangis tengok bil..
>On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:21 PM, lan loqius <> wrote:
>betul. Kelebihannya dia online smart traffic. Boleh tau jalan jem & route ke jalan yang x jem. Cuma kena ada connection internet jelah.
>>-Dak Lan-
>> From: Nazri Ahtar <>
>>To: ">
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 4:05 PM
>>Subject: Re: - GPS
>>tak try waze ? install kat henpon.
>>symbian ada, android pun ada. rasanya lagi murah kalau dibandingkan dengan beli gps kat luar.
>>Nazri Ahtar
>> From: Zaiedishaq <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 12:47 PM
>>Subject: - GPS
>>Nak tanya sikit ngan geng automobil.
>>Saya bercadang nak beli stand alone GPS (sekarang ni guna Papago - hempon). 
>>So nak tanya sikit mana brand yang terbaik (update map, accuracy, responsive)..?
>>On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:34 PM, -::eSpAcE9808::- <> wrote:
>>Smartphone showdown: Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs
>Apple iPhone 5 Vs BlackBerry Z10 Vs Nokia Lumia 920
>>Who comes out on top in the battle of the leading handsets?
>>By Hannah Bouckley | Yahoo! Tech
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 was unveiled last week to great fanfare in
>New York. It may only be March, but it's safe to say the successor to the 40 million selling Samsung Galaxy S3 will be one of 2013's most popular mobile phones, boosting the number of users on Google's Android operating system even further.
>>But how does it compare to the flagship smartphones from the other major operating systems: BlackBerry 10, iOS and Windows Phone?  Let's compare the Samsung Galaxy S4 to the BlackBerry Z10, Apple iPhone 5 and Nokia Lumia 920 to see how the numbers stack up.
>>Styling and build
>>The new Samsung Galaxy S4 at launch last week (AP)
>>Despite having the biggest screen, the Samsung Galaxy's plastic chassis means it's the second lightest
>(130g) phone here and the same curved back as the Galaxy S3 means it should be incredibly comfortable to hold, if a little too big for some. Available in black and white, the styling hasn't evolved much, but if it ain't broke....
>Apple iPhone 5 is the smallest and lightest phone here (112g) ensuring it is not only portable but the easiest to operate with one hand, although the diamond-cut bevelled edges mean it's not overly comfortable to hold. Combining glass and aluminium, it's an extremely well-built and attractive phone, although the back is scratch prone.
>>The Z10 marks a design departure for BlackBerry, but the black version is arguably the most conservative phone here. Build quality is excellent, weighing 136g it's not too heavy and can easily be used with one hand.
>>Available in eye-popping red and yellow, as well as white and black, the Nokia Lumia 920 really stands out from the crowd. It's made from a single piece of polycarbonate, which looks and feels exceptionally premium, weighing 185g, it is the heaviest phone here and may prove too weighty for some.
>>All the flagships here support 4G, but the iPhone 5 will only work on EE's 4G network, not forthcoming ones from O2 or Vodafone set to launch in
>June this year.
>>An Apple iPhone 5 REUTERS/Lucas
>>With a 5-inch Full HD screen the Samsung Galaxy S4 offers the most real estate for movie viewing, with the highest resolution and pixels per inch. The Nokia Lumia 920 has a 4.5-inch HD screen and the BlackBerry Z10 a 4.2-inch HD screen. The Apple iPhone 5 has the smallest screen at 4-inches and is the only one without a HD resolution but you'd be hard pressed to tell with its 326ppi.
>>Numbers aside what really differentiates the screens is the technology used. The S4 is the only one with a
>Super AMOLED screen, which means it will have deeper blacks and vibrant, more saturated colours, making it a good choice for movies. The other three phones use LCD technology, resulting in purer whites and more natural colours, which is typically a good choice for browsing.
>>Apple, BlackBerry and Nokia use their own technology and side by side results are very different. Nokia's PureView Motion+ has a 60Hz refresh rate reducing blur, visibility is good outdoors and the touchscreen even works with gloves. Apple's iPhone 5 Retina display is a good all-rounder with higher saturation and contrast than previous iPhones.  Finally the BlackBerry Z10's LCD screen is very sharp, but brightness and contrast aren't as good as the iPhone 5.
>>BlackBerry Z10
>>The Samsung Galaxy S4 and Apple iPhone 5 come in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB versions. The Galaxy offers the option of expansion using a microSD card.  The BlackBerry Z10 also offers a card slot, but has just 16GB storage and the Nokia Lumia 920 offers double the storage, but no card slot. For the majority of people 16GB of storage will be enough, but if you download lots of games, record HD movies and have a vast music library, you'll need more storage or at least a memory card.
>>Operating system
>>A Nokia Lumia smartphone REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
>>The Galaxy S4 launches with Android Jelly Bean 4.2 overlayed with Samsung's own skin called TouchWiz, offering a wealth of customisation options that some may find a little complex. Samsung's added some outstanding features such as Picture In Picture,
>Air Gestures and Group Play, and the Google Play Store offers over 800,000 apps.
>>In iOS on the iPhone 5 apps and features are in regimented rows, it's intuitive to use and the most user-friendly, but feels a little dated, lacking features like live widgets, although iCloud provides simple cloud backups and there's the voice-assistant Siri. The iOS App Store offers a huge choice of over 800,000 apps too.
>>BlackBerry 10 is the newest operating system and uses BlackBerry Flow navigation. Instead of a homescreen or buttons, move around the phone using gestures. Such a new system takes time to become familiar with and it's not as flexible as Android or Windows Phone, but with BlackBerry Hub to keep an eye on messages and the best native keyboard, it's a great choice for business and communication.
>>Windows Phone 8 on the Lumia
>920 has tiles that snake down the screen vertically, some of which update live. Customisation options can't match Android, but it's the wealth of extra features that really stand out. SmartGlass is for controlling an XBox, Here Maps is a fully functioning sat nav and SkyDrive provides cloud backups.
>>With a 13-megapixel camera the Galaxy S4 offers the highest megapixel rating of the flagships and Samsung has equipped it with interesting new features like Dual
>Shot, which takes pictures using the front and rear cameras simultaneously.
>We've not had a chance to try out the Galaxy S4's camera, but more pixels doesn't necessarily mean better photos, it's the sensor, lens and in-camera technology that determine the quality of the photo, so it will be interesting to see how it compares.
>>Due to a combination of PureView technology and Carl
>Zeiss optics the Lumia 920 performs very well in low light without a flash and comes with some useful Nokia 'lenses' adding extra features.
>>The iPhone
>5's 8-megapixel camera is a good all-rounder, consistently scoring well in cameraphone shoot-outs, but very basic features mean to get the best from it, you'll need to download an app like Camera FX.
>>BlackBerry isn't known for its camera prowess and the Z10's 8-megapixel camera is good rather than outstanding, but the cool Time Shift mode lets you select an individual frame to pose your subjects just how you'd want.
>>Android, iOS, BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 all offer very different user experiences - typically if you've invested in one by buying apps, you may not want to spend money on another. If you're buying your first smartphone it's definitely worth trying them out to see what you prefer.
>>On paper the Galaxy S4 is certainly appealing - it has a powerful processor, generous screen and some interesting new features, some useful and some gimmicky. Some will wish Samsung had tweaked the design, but (like Apple with the iPhone 4 and 4S), the company decided to stick to its guns. We're expecting new flagship phones from Apple and Nokia later this year, so it will be really interesting if they try and match the S4's hardware, or instead decide to focus on camera and interface improvements.
>>Developed to redefine the way we live, the GALAXY S 4 makes every moment of our life meaningful. It understands the value of relationships, enables true connections with friends and family, and believes in the importance of effortless experience.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:44 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"lan loqius" rxzabd

Ugut je...x nak kasi x nak pangkah BN. heheee....
-Dak Lan-

From: bashah <>
To: ">
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie..

Kesian, org nak kawin mana boleh tahan tahan?...
Buat pondok Kawin sebelah pondok panas rayundi BN atau PR boleh tak ?
Ni dah jadi wedding yg penuh suspense..
Tak boleh saman rugi rasanya sebab memang ada clause last minute perubahan. 
Jiran aku nak buat majlis kahwin 28 April kira selamat...

p.s majlis kawin pun tak dpat lari dari kesan politik..hehe.

From: MHZ <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie..

agaknya kita boleh buat tuntutan/saman kerugian tak kalau kena kes macam ni?

On 27/03/2013 8:06 AM, Abdul Rahman bin Johari wrote:

std bro
>kat mane2 pun sama
>takleh nak pakai dewan public nih
>alternatif leh try sewa dewan sekolah
>1 malaysia mcm ni bro
>-::eSpAcE9808::- wrote:

>>Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie.. ini semua Najib punya pasailah nie...!!!
>>Posted by Kedah Lanie
>>Erin Radzuan
>>Selagi tak bubar, selagi tu surat ni menghantui kami.
Menyusahkan org
najib ni. Kalau laa dari bulan November tu ko bgtau
dewan nak gune kan
senang. Stress aku dh tahap melampau. Aku bosan dah
dgr org duk ckp
mengundi time date kawen. Ko igt kalau bgtau bulan
januari (date surat)
tp sampai umah 25 feb 2013 dah boleh selesaikan
masalah org? Dah tentu
semua bende dah booking. Hmmmm pls bubar cepat2 and
btau kat rakyat cam
aku ni.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:51 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Fhazly Yusop" neoli18

doa le buat solat hajat mintak x jadi pru time kenduri tu. harta public ni memang x leh buat apa la kalau melibatkan hari mengundi ni. tp kesian jugak le dgr kisah2 mcm ni huhuhu

From: lan loqius <>
To: ">
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie..

Ugut je...x nak kasi x nak pangkah BN. heheee....
-Dak Lan-

From: bashah <>
To: ">
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie..

Kesian, org nak kawin mana boleh tahan tahan?...
Buat pondok Kawin sebelah pondok panas rayundi BN atau PR boleh tak ?
Ni dah jadi wedding yg penuh suspense..
Tak boleh saman rugi rasanya sebab memang ada clause last minute perubahan. 
Jiran aku nak buat majlis kahwin 28 April kira selamat...

p.s majlis kawin pun tak dpat lari dari kesan politik..hehe.

From: MHZ <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie..

agaknya kita boleh buat tuntutan/saman kerugian tak kalau kena kes macam ni?

On 27/03/2013 8:06 AM, Abdul Rahman bin Johari wrote:

std bro
>kat mane2 pun sama
>takleh nak pakai dewan public nih
>alternatif leh try sewa dewan sekolah
>1 malaysia mcm ni bro
>-::eSpAcE9808::- wrote:

>>Kesian sahabat kita nak kahwin nie.. ini semua Najib punya pasailah nie...!!!
>>Posted by Kedah Lanie
>>Erin Radzuan
>>Selagi tak bubar, selagi tu surat ni menghantui kami.
Menyusahkan org
najib ni. Kalau laa dari bulan November tu ko bgtau
dewan nak gune kan
senang. Stress aku dh tahap melampau. Aku bosan dah
dgr org duk ckp
mengundi time date kawen. Ko igt kalau bgtau bulan
januari (date surat)
tp sampai umah 25 feb 2013 dah boleh selesaikan
masalah org? Dah tentu
semua bende dah booking. Hmmmm pls bubar cepat2 and
btau kat rakyat cam
aku ni.

Thu Mar 28, 2013 7:50 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"lan loqius" rxzabd

Alamak, ada siput lah!
-Dak Lan-

From: Abdul Rahman bin Johari <>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: - Aircond tak sejuk

mcm ni bro

Abdul Rahman bin Johari wrote:
>saya terbalik la
>bawak slow yg panas
>bawak laju jadi sejuk
>alsebab radiator tukar panjang, so kipas pada kondenser telah ditukar
ke depan radiator
>maknanya kipas kena radiator dulu baru kondenser
>ini kisah kereta daihatsu saya la
>cadangan 20 sen saya
>try la balut piping manifold tu dulu
>maybe dpt kurangkan haba dlm engine bay

> wrote:
>Apakah yg menyebabkan Aircond kereta menjadi tidak sejuk jika dipandu melebihi 110km/h .. Kalau memandu dgn kelajuan kurang dari 110km/h tiada Masalah .. Tapi bila melebihi dari 110km/h walaupun +- 5 minit sahaja maka akan terasa udara Panas mula keluar dari lubang Aircond ..tetapi bila kelajuan dikurangkan ka 100km/h jer dlm masa 1 minit or 2 minit udara yg keluar dari lubang Aircond tu sejuk balik ..kenapa perkara ini berlaku ..kereta jenis wira tapi dah dimasukan dgn injin 1.8 turbo yg dikacukan ..adakah berkaitan dgn tuning injin or injin Panas ..tetapi kalau ikutkan meter suhu injin tak la Panas cuma tak sampai pun 1/2 dari kedudukan meter suhu..kira "sejuk" la ..kipas Aircond n kipas radiator semua duk pusing laju elok jer ..harap ada yg sudi berkongsi idea @ maklumat atau ada yg pernah alami Masalah tersebut.
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Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:46 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


termostat kt arah mana? masa tengah jalan jauh ke?
ni pesan pomen air cond saya...
klu jalan intercity....bole full blast termostat tu...
tp klu jalan jauh dan tak henti2 selama 2 jam lebih....jangan full blast
buat setengah sudey...
nanti akan jadi frost dlm dalam cooling coil
bila dah frost ...air cond akan jadi tak sejuk seketika
klu jadi camtu....tutup kejap air cond dalam 10 minit dan baru pasang balik
InsyaAllah sejuk balik....
ni pomen tu la yang pesan...klu dia tipu maka tipu la saya...:)

From: Nazri Ahtar <>
To: ">
Sent: Thursday, 28 March 2013 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: - Aircond tak sejuk


as salam,

dah cuba check gas, kurang atau cukup ?
belt ok ke longgar  ?

Nazri Ahtar

From: ">
To: Automobil <>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:42 AM
Subject: - Aircond tak sejuk
Apakah yg menyebabkan Aircond kereta menjadi tidak sejuk jika dipandu melebihi 110km/h .. Kalau memandu dgn kelajuan kurang dari 110km/h tiada Masalah .. Tapi bila melebihi dari 110km/h walaupun +- 5 minit sahaja maka akan terasa udara Panas mula keluar dari lubang Aircond ..tetapi bila kelajuan dikurangkan ka 100km/h jer dlm masa 1 minit or 2 minit udara yg keluar dari lubang Aircond tu sejuk balik ..kenapa perkara ini berlaku ..kereta jenis wira tapi dah dimasukan dgn injin 1.8 turbo yg dikacukan ..adakah berkaitan dgn tuning injin or injin Panas ..tetapi kalau ikutkan meter suhu injin tak la Panas cuma tak sampai pun 1/2 dari kedudukan meter suhu..kira "sejuk" la ..kipas Aircond n kipas radiator semua duk pusing laju elok jer ..harap ada yg sudi berkongsi idea @ maklumat atau ada yg pernah alami Masalah tersebut.Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.------------------------------------Notis Moderator - PENTING Fri Nov
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Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:27 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

Tumpang lalu:

'Belumm, belum lagii...dia dekatt... tapi jauhh " - Rock00

r U readehh ?

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