Monday, August 26, 2013 - Digest Number 3686

15 New Messages

Digest #3686
Re: Bas atau pemandu. by "MHZ" mohamad_hadi
Re: Bas atau pemandu. by "Sukri Farah"
Re: Bas atau pemandu. by "Khairul Isham"


Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:21 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

"Saya kurang wang, saya ada tangan, kaki, mata, boleh cakap, boleh dengar...."

"Kamu ni ada duit nak makan ka...?" soal aku kepada anak murid. Si murid yang bercompang camping, menyeluk wang saku mengira kepingan syiling yang dibawanya ke sekolah hari ini. Aku memandang penuh minat tingkah lakunya.

"Ada lagi cikgu..." jawabnya ringkas.

Murid ini seorang yang sangat malas, selalu tak siapkan kerja rumah, tak fokus kepada belajar dan pelbagai lagi masalah. Kerana tak mahu lepaskan peluang memberikan sumbangan, dia turut beratur menunggu giliran memasukkan sekeping wang syiling 20 sen ke dalam sebalang tabung. Tabung yang dibawa oleh dua orang pengawas adalah bertujuan sebagai kutipan amal untuk sebuah pertubuhan Orang Kurang Upaya.

"Terima kasih semua.." ringkas dari wakil pengawas lalu beredar.

"Berapa baki duit kamu...?" aku menyoal lagi. Budak ini selalu kena rotan, rotan dan dia tak dapat dipisahkan.haha

"Ada lagi 50 sen. Boleh beli nasi lemak lagi rehat nanti." Jujur seorang kanak-kanak. Aku angguk. Kesian pula. Dalam keadaaan harga barang yang mahal, masih ramai murid turut menjadi mangsa.

"Minum air apa pula nanti...?" tambah aku.

"Air water cooler kan ada..." bersahaja jawabnya.

"Kenapa kamu bagi juga, kan bawak duit sikit ja...?"

"Tak apa cikgu, 20 sen saya mampu. Saya tolong 20 sen ja. Kawan-kawan lain mampu RM1, RM5...mereka tolong banyak lagi." Kata-kata tulus, ikhlas memberi tolong. Majoriti anak2 murid aku berasal daripada golongan kaya, masing-masing berkereta dan berumah besar. Aku serba sikit mengenali latar belakang mereka. Murid aku yang bermasalah ini, ibu ayahnya hanya bekerja di sebuah kedai makan.

"Kesian OKU, mereka kaki tiada, tangan tiada, mata buta, tak boleh cakap. Saya hanya kurang wang, tapi saya ada tangan, kaki, mata, boleh cakap, boleh dengar...." Tergagap menerangkan pada aku, ringkas dan padat. Walaupun budak ni selalu buat hal dalam kelas, rupanya masih banyak kebaikan yang ada padanya. Aku pula belajar dengan kata-katanya.

"Kerja sekolah semalam dah siap...?"

"Errrrkkk....belum, terlupa...." tersengih-sengih buat muka comel. Begitulah apabila disoal. Hari ni sikapnya merubah sikap aku. haha. Dia terselamat didenda.
- See more at:"Saya kurang wang, saya ada tangan, kaki, mata, boleh cakap, boleh dengar...."


"Kamu ni ada duit nak makan ka...?" soal aku kepada anak murid. Si murid yang bercompang camping, menyeluk wang saku mengira kepingan syiling yang dibawanya ke sekolah hari ini. Aku memandang penuh minat tingkah lakunya.

"Ada lagi cikgu..." jawabnya ringkas.

Murid ini seorang yang sangat malas, selalu tak siapkan kerja rumah, tak fokus kepada belajar dan pelbagai lagi masalah. Kerana tak mahu lepaskan peluang memberikan sumbangan, dia turut beratur menunggu giliran memasukkan sekeping wang syiling 20 sen ke dalam sebalang tabung. Tabung yang dibawa oleh dua orang pengawas adalah bertujuan sebagai kutipan amal untuk sebuah pertubuhan Orang Kurang Upaya.

"Terima kasih semua.." ringkas dari wakil pengawas lalu beredar.

"Berapa baki duit kamu...?" aku menyoal lagi. Budak ini selalu kena rotan, rotan dan dia tak dapat dipisahkan.haha

"Ada lagi 50 sen. Boleh beli nasi lemak lagi rehat nanti." Jujur seorang kanak-kanak. Aku angguk. Kesian pula. Dalam keadaaan harga barang yang mahal, masih ramai murid turut menjadi mangsa.

"Minum air apa pula nanti...?" tambah aku.

"Air water cooler kan ada..." bersahaja jawabnya.

"Kenapa kamu bagi juga, kan bawak duit sikit ja...?"

"Tak apa cikgu, 20 sen saya mampu. Saya tolong 20 sen ja. Kawan-kawan lain mampu RM1, RM5...mereka tolong banyak lagi." Kata-kata tulus, ikhlas memberi tolong. Majoriti anak2 murid aku berasal daripada golongan kaya, masing-masing berkereta dan berumah besar. Aku serba sikit mengenali latar belakang mereka. Murid aku yang bermasalah ini, ibu ayahnya hanya bekerja di sebuah kedai makan.

"Kesian OKU, mereka kaki tiada, tangan tiada, mata buta, tak boleh cakap. Saya hanya kurang wang, tapi saya ada tangan, kaki, mata, boleh cakap, boleh dengar...." Tergagap menerangkan pada aku, ringkas dan padat. Walaupun budak ni selalu buat hal dalam kelas, rupanya masih banyak kebaikan yang ada padanya. Aku pula belajar dengan kata-katanya.

"Kerja sekolah semalam dah siap...?"

"Errrrkkk....belum, terlupa...." tersengih-sengih buat muka comel. Begitulah apabila disoal. Hari ni sikapnya merubah sikap aku. haha. Dia terselamat didenda.

- See more at:

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:23 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Kisah Tauladan Keluarga | "Mak dah penat sepanjang hari kerja..."

Alkisah sebuah hidangan isteri…

Mak saya suka memasak tapi mak bukan seorang suri rumah, mak seorang engineer. Ada satu malam, mak balik sangat kepenatan tapi masih perlu memasak untuk saya dan abah.

Mak hanya mampu masak ayam kunyit, sayur kailan ikan masin dan nasi. 3 hidangan itu diletakkan di meja makan di mana ayah duduk goyang kaki menunggu makan.
Ayah meminta diri untuk solat Maghrib dulu sebelum makan. Ketika itu saya mencuba hidangan mak. Alamak, ayam kuncit terlalu masin, kailan separuh masak dan nasi hanyit.

Namun saya diam.

Selepas Isyak, ayah menjamu makanan masakan mak. Sambil makan, ayah bertanya bagaimana sekolah hari ini.

Saya tidak berapa ingat apa jawapan saya.

Ketika makan, mak mohon maaf pada ayah atas masakannya. Tapi ayah menjawab, "Sangat sedap sayang. Abang suka semua hidangan ini."

Malam itu, sebelum tidur, saya pergi bersalam dengan ayah yang masih di ruang tamu dan bertanya betul ke ayah suka masakan mak tadi yang saya sendiri terasa susah nak telan.

"Anakku, mak dah penat sepanjang hari kerja. Mak dah penat. Hidangan kurang enak tak melukakan Mie dan ayah tapi kata-kata kasar akan menghiris perasaan," kata ayah.

Mendengar kata-kata ayah, saya tersentak.

Lalu saya masuk bilik untuk bersalam dengan mak dan bertanya…

"Mak rasa ayah tadi kata suka masakan mak hari ini, mak percaya ke?"

"Anakku. Itu tak penting. Yang penting ayah jaga hati mak dan selepas makan, ayah tolong mak cuci pinggang. Ayah kamu itu orang besar, tapi benda-benda kecil sebegini yang buat mak sentiasa rasa bahagia kerana terasa ayah betul-betul sayang kat mak," jawab mak.

Itulah perkara yang berlaku ketika kecil dan saya mengingati sehingga hari ini.

Kini saya sudah berkahwin, anak sudah tiga – dan melihat kembali kenangan manis ayah dan emak, saya semakin memahami fikiran mereka pada masa itu.

Mak dan ayah dan tindak-tanduk mereka menunjukkan mereka menerima segala kelemahan antara satu-sama lain dan meraikan perbezaan tersebut supaya hubungan erat dan kukuh sentiasa berkekalan. Mereka meraikan segalanya antara mereka, dan berusaha bersama untuk memastikan pasangan mereka sentiasa gembira dan bahagia.

Wahai anakku,
Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk sebarang kekesalan. Jangan hidup dalam kekesalan. Hargailah segala yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang kesayangan kita, walaupun kadangkala kita tidak beberapa menyukainya. Mereka lakukan dengan kasih sayang, maka balaslah niat itu juga dengan kasih sayang dan kesyukuran bahawa ada yang masih sanggup melayan kita dengan baik. Ingatlah masa yang berlalu tidak akan berpatah balik.

FB: Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man

Azhan: Tersentuh aku baca. Benarlah, aku baru berkahwin beberapa bulan lepas, banyak perkara yang aku belajar untuk bertolak ansur dalam keluarga. Kadang2 hal remeh temeh elakkan dibesar2kan. Menghargai, insyaAllah dihargai =)
- See more at: Tauladan Keluarga | "Mak dah penat sepanjang hari kerja..."


Alkisah sebuah hidangan isteri…

Mak saya suka memasak tapi mak bukan seorang suri rumah, mak seorang engineer. Ada satu malam, mak balik sangat kepenatan tapi masih perlu memasak untuk saya dan abah.

Mak hanya mampu masak ayam kunyit, sayur kailan ikan masin dan nasi. 3 hidangan itu diletakkan di meja makan di mana ayah duduk goyang kaki menunggu makan.
Ayah meminta diri untuk solat Maghrib dulu sebelum makan. Ketika itu saya mencuba hidangan mak. Alamak, ayam kuncit terlalu masin, kailan separuh masak dan nasi hanyit.

Namun saya diam.

Selepas Isyak, ayah menjamu makanan masakan mak. Sambil makan, ayah bertanya bagaimana sekolah hari ini.

Saya tidak berapa ingat apa jawapan saya.

Ketika makan, mak mohon maaf pada ayah atas masakannya. Tapi ayah menjawab, "Sangat sedap sayang. Abang suka semua hidangan ini."

Malam itu, sebelum tidur, saya pergi bersalam dengan ayah yang masih di ruang tamu dan bertanya betul ke ayah suka masakan mak tadi yang saya sendiri terasa susah nak telan.

"Anakku, mak dah penat sepanjang hari kerja. Mak dah penat. Hidangan kurang enak tak melukakan Mie dan ayah tapi kata-kata kasar akan menghiris perasaan," kata ayah.

Mendengar kata-kata ayah, saya tersentak.

Lalu saya masuk bilik untuk bersalam dengan mak dan bertanya…

"Mak rasa ayah tadi kata suka masakan mak hari ini, mak percaya ke?"

"Anakku. Itu tak penting. Yang penting ayah jaga hati mak dan selepas makan, ayah tolong mak cuci pinggang. Ayah kamu itu orang besar, tapi benda-benda kecil sebegini yang buat mak sentiasa rasa bahagia kerana terasa ayah betul-betul sayang kat mak," jawab mak.

Itulah perkara yang berlaku ketika kecil dan saya mengingati sehingga hari ini.

Kini saya sudah berkahwin, anak sudah tiga – dan melihat kembali kenangan manis ayah dan emak, saya semakin memahami fikiran mereka pada masa itu.

Mak dan ayah dan tindak-tanduk mereka menunjukkan mereka menerima segala kelemahan antara satu-sama lain dan meraikan perbezaan tersebut supaya hubungan erat dan kukuh sentiasa berkekalan. Mereka meraikan segalanya antara mereka, dan berusaha bersama untuk memastikan pasangan mereka sentiasa gembira dan bahagia.

Wahai anakku,
Hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk sebarang kekesalan. Jangan hidup dalam kekesalan. Hargailah segala yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang kesayangan kita, walaupun kadangkala kita tidak beberapa menyukainya. Mereka lakukan dengan kasih sayang, maka balaslah niat itu juga dengan kasih sayang dan kesyukuran bahawa ada yang masih sanggup melayan kita dengan baik. Ingatlah masa yang berlalu tidak akan berpatah balik.

FB: Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man

Azhan: Tersentuh aku baca. Benarlah, aku baru berkahwin beberapa bulan lepas, banyak perkara yang aku belajar untuk bertolak ansur dalam keluarga. Kadang2 hal remeh temeh elakkan dibesar2kan. Menghargai, insyaAllah dihargai =)

- See more at:

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:24 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Sebenarnya tidak ada saman tertunggak...masalah sekarang pihak yang diberi amanah tak buat kerja...!!!
Posted by Kedah Lanie
Oleh Zul Hazmi aka Calon Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat (Zulhazmi4KP)

Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri sarankan Polis, SPAD & JPJ bincang bagaimana nak buat dengan pesalah trafik yg ada saman tertunggak.... aku letih dah nak cakap... saman tak boleh tertunggak... saman wajib hadir mahkamah... kalau OKS tak hadir mahkamah, Mahkamah akan keluar waran tangkap utk polis tangkap & bawa OKS ke Mahkamah.

Bila bawa OKS ke Mahkamah, OKS akan pilih nak mengaku salah atau minta bicara... Kalau mengaku salah, Mahkamah akan jatuhkan hukuman denda atau sebagainya... OKS bayar denda atau kena penjara... selesai saman.. tak tertunggak.. kalau OKS tak mengaku maka dibicarakan.. klu didapati bersalah, kena hukum..selesai saman.. klu tak salah..dilepaskan.. selesai saman...

Bila sebut ada saman tertunggak maknanya saman tak dibawa ke Mahkamah atau waran tangkap tak dilaksanakan... salah OKS ka salah Polis tak buat kerja?? Bila Polis tak bawa ke Mahkamah & tak laksana waran tangkap... adakah itu salah OKS???

Tiba2 senang2 ja nak suruh Polis, JPJ & SPAD runding macamana nak lucut lesen orang.... apa nie?? Gani Patail buat apa??

Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:41 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"MHZ" mohamad_hadi

Salam.. woit cakap baik2 sikit.. PDRM & ATM adalah antara yang terbaik
di dunialah.. jgn nak fitnah tak tentu pasal..

On 26/08/2013 12:24 AM, -:eSpAcE9808:- wrote:
> _Sebenarnya tidak ada saman tertunggak...masalah sekarang pihak
> yang diberi amanah tak buat kerja...!!! _
> Posted by Kedah Lanie
> Oleh Zul Hazmi aka Calon Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat (Zulhazmi4KP)
> <>
> Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri sarankan Polis, SPAD & JPJ bincang
> bagaimana nak buat dengan pesalah trafik yg ada saman tertunggak....
> aku letih dah nak cakap... saman tak boleh tertunggak... saman wajib
> hadir mahkamah... kalau OKS tak hadir mahkamah, Mahkamah akan keluar
> waran tangkap utk polis tangkap & bawa OKS ke Mahkamah.
> Bila bawa OKS ke Mahkamah, OKS akan pilih nak mengaku salah atau minta
> bicara... Kalau mengaku salah, Mahkamah akan jatuhkan hukuman denda
> atau sebagainya... OKS bayar denda atau kena penjara... selesai
> saman.. tak tertunggak.. kalau OKS tak mengaku maka dibicarakan.. klu
> didapati bersalah, kena hukum..selesai saman.. klu tak
> salah..dilepaskan.. selesai saman...
> Bila sebut ada saman tertunggak maknanya saman tak dibawa ke Mahkamah
> atau waran tangkap tak dilaksanakan... salah OKS ka salah Polis tak
> buat kerja?? Bila Polis tak bawa ke Mahkamah & tak laksana waran
> tangkap... adakah itu salah OKS???
> Tiba2 senang2 ja nak suruh Polis, JPJ & SPAD runding macamana nak
> lucut lesen orang.... apa nie?? Gani Patail buat apa??

Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:56 pm (PDT) . Posted by:


Kalau antara yg terbaik didunia pun Lagu ni caranya ..bagaimana la gamaknya kalau setakat yg baik sahaja apa tah lagi yg kategori kurang baik ..buat lapuran hari ni ..1 minggu la baru mai siasat tengok gamaknya..entah2 langsung Tak mai2 pun ..
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-----Original Message-----
From: MHZ <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 09:41:20
To: <>
Subject: Re: - Fw: Sebenarnya tidak ada saman

Salam.. woit cakap baik2 sikit.. PDRM & ATM adalah antara yang terbaik
di dunialah.. jgn nak fitnah tak tentu pasal..

On 26/08/2013 12:24 AM, -:eSpAcE9808:- wrote:
> _Sebenarnya tidak ada saman tertunggak...masalah sekarang pihak
> yang diberi amanah tak buat kerja...!!! _
> Posted by Kedah Lanie
> Oleh Zul Hazmi aka Calon Ketua Pemuda PAS Pusat (Zulhazmi4KP)
> <>
> Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri sarankan Polis, SPAD & JPJ bincang
> bagaimana nak buat dengan pesalah trafik yg ada saman tertunggak....
> aku letih dah nak cakap... saman tak boleh tertunggak... saman wajib
> hadir mahkamah... kalau OKS tak hadir mahkamah, Mahkamah akan keluar
> waran tangkap utk polis tangkap & bawa OKS ke Mahkamah.
> Bila bawa OKS ke Mahkamah, OKS akan pilih nak mengaku salah atau minta
> bicara... Kalau mengaku salah, Mahkamah akan jatuhkan hukuman denda
> atau sebagainya... OKS bayar denda atau kena penjara... selesai
> saman.. tak tertunggak.. kalau OKS tak mengaku maka dibicarakan.. klu
> didapati bersalah, kena hukum..selesai saman.. klu tak
> salah..dilepaskan.. selesai saman...
> Bila sebut ada saman tertunggak maknanya saman tak dibawa ke Mahkamah
> atau waran tangkap tak dilaksanakan... salah OKS ka salah Polis tak
> buat kerja?? Bila Polis tak bawa ke Mahkamah & tak laksana waran
> tangkap... adakah itu salah OKS???
> Tiba2 senang2 ja nak suruh Polis, JPJ & SPAD runding macamana nak
> lucut lesen orang.... apa nie?? Gani Patail buat apa??

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:25 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Berhati-hati dengan jenayah terbaru di Malaysia!
Written By canang

Berhati-hati dengan jenayah terbaru di Malaysia!
Sila share kan sebanyak mungkin untuk kebaikan bersama.

Ini telah dihantar asalnya oleh seorang anggota polis Malaysia pada FB.
Berkongsilah dengan semua orang yang anda tahu, terutamanya isteri,
adik-beradik anda, kawan-kawan perempuan dan rakan-rakan.

Di stesen minyak, akan seorang lelaki datang dan memperkenalkan diri beliau
sebagai pelukis kepada wanita untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan mengisi petrol
ke dalam kereta wanita itu dan meninggalkan biznes kad. Beliau tidak berkata
apa-apa tetapi menerima kad beliau kerana kebaikan lelaki itu dan terus masuk
ke dalam kereta. Lelaki itu kemudian masuk kedalam kereta yang dipandu oleh
orang lain.

Apabila wanita meninggalkan stesen minyak, dia melihat lelaki tersebut keluar
dari stesen itu stesen pada masa yang sama. Hampir serta-merta, dia mula berasa
pening dan tidak dapat manarik nafas dengan sempurna. Dia cuba untuk membuka
tingkap dan menyedari bahawa bau adalah pada tangannya; tangan yang sama
digunakan menerima kad dari orang di stesen minyak semasa menerima
perkhidmatan dari lelaki tadi.

Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:45 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"MHZ" mohamad_hadi

Salam.. kalau betul cerita ni, pihak polis perlu bagi amaran kepada awam
secara official.. kalau tak org awan akan konfius kabar angin ni betul
atau tak.

On 26/08/2013 12:25 AM, -:eSpAcE9808:- wrote:
> _Berhati-hati dengan jenayah terbaru di Malaysia!_
> telokbakong.blogspot.
> btmmari.blogspot.
> Written By canang
> <>
> Berhati-hati dengan jenayah terbaru di Malaysia!
> Sila share kan sebanyak mungkin untuk kebaikan bersama.
> Ini telah dihantar asalnya oleh seorang anggota polis Malaysia pada FB.
> Berkongsilah dengan semua orang yang anda tahu, terutamanya isteri,
> adik-beradik anda, kawan-kawan perempuan dan rakan-rakan.
> Di stesen minyak, akan seorang lelaki datang dan memperkenalkan diri
> beliau
> sebagai pelukis kepada wanita untuk menawarkan perkhidmatan mengisi
> petrol
> ke dalam kereta wanita itu dan meninggalkan biznes kad. Beliau tidak
> berkata
> apa-apa tetapi menerima kad beliau kerana kebaikan lelaki itu dan
> terus masuk
> ke dalam kereta. Lelaki itu kemudian masuk kedalam kereta yang dipandu
> oleh
> orang lain.
> Apabila wanita meninggalkan stesen minyak, dia melihat lelaki tersebut
> keluar
> dari stesen itu stesen pada masa yang sama. Hampir serta-merta, dia
> mula berasa
> pening dan tidak dapat manarik nafas dengan sempurna. Dia cuba untuk
> membuka
> tingkap dan menyedari bahawa bau adalah pada tangannya; tangan yang sama
> digunakan menerima kad dari orang di stesen minyak semasa menerima
> perkhidmatan dari lelaki tadi.

Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:08 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"MHZ" mohamad_hadi


Takpe... sekarang ni memanglah sibuk tuding-menuding satu sama lain..
pastu sebulan dua lagi semua orang akan senyap.. sampailah ke trajedi yg
akan datang.

On 24/08/2013 3:50 PM, ML wrote:
> Salam
> Kita yg tak terlibat akan mengadili
> sapa yg salah dan sapa yg tidak
> berdasar maklumat terhad dari cerita2
> second/fourth/fifth hand.. Kemdian
> campur pulak dgn sentimen, prasangka
> dan politik.
> Kalau nak menghakimi, biarlah cukup
> maklumat dari sumber yang sahih..
> Kan ada larangan untuk menjadi hakim
> yang tidak adil ..
> Biarlah tanggungjawab tu pada orang yg ada akses
> pada semua tu..
> On 23 Aug, 2013, at 9:24 PM, suhaimi ibrahim <
> <>> wrote:
>> Kisah Bas jatuh gaung kat genting memang tengah panas sekarang ni.
>> Dalam 24 jam pertama terdapat cerita yang mengatakan Bas malang itu
>> dalam keadaan kurang memuaskan. Dan tidak selamat. Kemudian kita di
>> hidangkan dengan cerita perangai pemandu yang panas baran. Pandu
>> cuai, banyak saman. Seolah pemandu Bas tu je yang salah. Peribasa
>> orang puteh ada " blame it on the dead guy" . Korang ade rasa tak
>> yang macam aku rasa.
>> Salam Syawal, Suhaimi Ibrahim

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:24 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Sukri Farah"

....takkan setiap kenderaan nak naik genting kena check ngan
JPJ,Puspakom,SPAD....kena ade roadblock nak check.....penat la camni pihak
.sy dah bertahun tahun tak naik Genting al maklum..kete dah

2013/8/23 suhaimi ibrahim <>

> **
> Kisah Bas jatuh gaung kat genting memang tengah panas sekarang ni. Dalam
> 24 jam pertama terdapat cerita yang mengatakan Bas malang itu dalam keadaan
> kurang memuaskan. Dan tidak selamat. Kemudian kita di hidangkan dengan
> cerita perangai pemandu yang panas baran. Pandu cuai, banyak saman. Seolah
> pemandu Bas tu je yang salah. Peribasa orang puteh ada " blame it on the
> dead guy" . Korang ade rasa tak yang macam aku rasa.
> Salam Syawal, Suhaimi Ibrahim

Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:13 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Khairul Isham"

Kerajaan patut tutup je Genting demi keselamatan nyawa rakyat

From: Sukri Farah <>
Sent : 8/26/2013 12:24:37 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: - Bas atau pemandu.

....takkan setiap kenderaan nak naik genting kena check ngan JPJ,Puspakom,SPAD....kena ade roadblock nak check.....penat la camni pihak berkuasa....

.sy dah bertahun tahun tak naik Genting al maklum..kete dah uzur/lama........

2013/8/23 suhaimi ibrahim <>

Kisah Bas jatuh gaung kat genting memang tengah panas sekarang ni. Dalam 24 jam pertama terdapat cerita yang mengatakan Bas malang itu dalam keadaan kurang memuaskan. Dan tidak selamat. Kemudian kita di hidangkan dengan cerita perangai pemandu yang panas baran. Pandu cuai, banyak saman. Seolah pemandu Bas tu je yang salah. Peribasa orang puteh ada " blame it on the dead guy" . Korang ade rasa tak yang macam aku rasa.

Salam Syawal, Suhaimi Ibrahim

Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:56 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Ruslan Zakaria" ru5lan

Memang masih releven, Cuma mohon samakan harga seperti harga yg dieksport.

Negara pengeluar mahal daripada Negara yg dieksport.

From: [] On Behalf Of -:eSpAcE9808:-
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 11:55 PM
To: zzxmelayucyber
Subject: - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

Motor Trader Malaysia <> By Naveen Victor | Motor Trader Malaysia


Proton Gen 2

Malaysia's national carmaker is finding it increasingly difficult to attract local buyers but does it mean they're in permanent decline?

Many Malaysians have a colourful history with Proton and it has to be said not all of it's bad. When the original Proton Saga was launched on 9th July 1985 the feeling of national pride was palpable throughout the country. We had become a car-producing nation and it would be our springboard towards becoming an industrialised nation. Where are those dreams now?


Proton Wira also known as the Persona in the UK

In 2002, Proton sold 214,985 vehicles and accounted for 49.43 per cent of total vehicle sales in Malaysia. In 2012, despite Malaysia having a TIV (Total Industry Volume) of 627,753 units (up from 434,954 in 2002) Proton sold just 141,121 vehicles, which accounted for a market share of just 22.5 per cent. In contrast, Perodua sold 189,137 cars for over 30 per cent of the overall market while Toyota continued to grow with 105,151 sales. Incidentally, the Japanese brand managed just 27,355 sales in 2002 with 60 per cent of those being commercial vehicle sales.

No matter how you look at them, the numbers make for some pretty grim reading. Despite having 28 years of history behind it Proton is still heavily reliant on the Malaysian car buyer, as export numbers remain tiny. In 2012 only about 20,000 Protons were sold outside of Malaysia in 55 countries, which makes them a tiny niche brand in most markets.


Proton replaced its family sedan, the Proton Persona with the Prevé

Proton is aware of its failings and to their credit, are taking considerable steps to reenergise the brand. New owners DRB-Hicom have had a monumental task to clean out old regimes and systems and plan for a better future but one wonders if they're being overly ambitious. As recently as late June 2013, Proton Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Khamil Jamil stated that their aim was to reclaim sales leadership in Malaysia within two years and sell 500,000 cars a year globally within the next five years.

These are very aggressive numbers and despite a renewed focus on exports, one wonders if Proton will eventually lose the hearts and wallets of Malaysian buyers. Evidence of this already happening is wide spread.

Aside from the continued strength of Perodua, the biggest threat to Proton undoubtedly comes Japanese and Korean brands. The Japanese in particular have taken ASEAN production and localisation to heart coming up with a slew of products at ever-smaller price tags. It started slow but the Nissan Almera got things really rolling in 2012 with a starting price of just over RM66,000. Then Suzuki started locally assembling the all-new Swift and its price dropped to RM65,888 while Honda shocked everyone with the RM74,800 with insurance price tag of the CKD Jazz.

At a stroke cars from Japanese brands were now within the reach of Proton buyers and though there was a still a premium to be paid (a basic Proton Prevé manual starts at less than RM60,000) those who could afford the increased monthly payments were only too eager to jump ship. There in lies the other problem for Proton.

Due to the favourable taxation structures previously employed, for nearly 20-years car buyers with a 'hard ceiling' of RM65,000 had little or no choice. If you wanted a new car for that money (and who wouldn't rather have new over used?) then you had to visit the Proton dealer. More often than not, the buyer also came up against a 'take it or leave it' attitude as salesmen could always find a buyer for cars in odd or unfavourable spec.


Proton's latest family sedan, the Prevé is probably the company's most sophisticated offering yet

Put those buyers into a market situation where they suddenly have options and you get an 'anything but Proton' attitude. It's not that Malaysians are anti national cars, anti-Proton or even pro-Japanese but having been force fed a steady diet of Protons and Peroduas for decades, most just want to buy from a different brand and now they have a chance to do so.

That being the case, some may wonder why Perodua isn't in the same predicament and the simple answer is that they are in the very lowest levels of the market where cars are bought as basic transport. Its also clear Malaysians have a more favourable opinion of Perodua, which is probably due to the Toyota/Daihatsu spin-offs they sell. It's a sad admission to make but the very best Proton cars have always been those that were re-badged efforts rather than something they designed in-house.


Proton's Saga of the future

Which brings us back to the main question. Is Proton still relevant to Malaysians? For the first half of 2013, Proton sold 64,782 cars in a market that grew 4.1 per cent over the same period on 2012. There is a new Prevé hatchback due in September this year, which should help create some extra excitement for the brand but it's also clear to see sales are on downward slope. Instead of claiming market leadership in two years, we could see Proton replaced by Toyota as the second most popular brand in Malaysia. Unless something happens soon, there is no real way out of the predicament, which is a shame because back in 1985 my heart filled with Malaysian pride whenever I saw a Proton Saga.

This e-mail and the attachment is from Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM). It is intended solely for the person to whom they are addressed and may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, distributing, copying or taking any action in reliance of the content of this information is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately if you have received this e-mail and delete it from your system. The recipient should check the e-mail and any attachment for the presence of viruses that could be transmitted via e-mail. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, incomplete or contain viruses. TM accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arises as a result of e-mail transmission. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this e-mail that does not relate to the official business of TM shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by TM.

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:20 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Sukri Farah"

....yes still relevant.........kalau harganye relevant...

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Ruslan Zakaria <> wrote:

> **
> Memang masih releven, Cuma mohon samakan harga seperti harga yg dieksport.
> ****
> Negara pengeluar mahal daripada Negara yg dieksport.****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *-:eSpAcE9808:-
> *Sent:* Friday, August 23, 2013 11:55 PM
> *To:* zzxmelayucyber
> *Subject:* - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant
> To Malaysians?****
> ** **
> ****
> ****
> *Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?*****
> [image: Motor Trader Malaysia] <>By *Naveen
> Victor* | *Motor Trader Malaysia* ****
> ****
> <>
> ****
> Proton Gen 2****
> *Malaysia�s national carmaker is finding it increasingly difficult to
> attract local buyers but does it mean they�re in permanent decline?*****
> Many Malaysians have a colourful history with Proton and it has to be said
> not all of it�s bad. When the original Proton Saga was launched on 9th July
> 1985 the feeling of national pride was palpable throughout the country. We
> had become a car-producing nation and it would be our springboard towards
> becoming an industrialised nation. Where are those dreams now?****
> <>
> ****
> Proton Wira also known as the Persona in the UK****
> ****
> In 2002, Proton sold 214,985 vehicles and accounted for 49.43 per cent of
> total vehicle sales in Malaysia. In 2012, despite Malaysia having a TIV
> (Total Industry Volume) of 627,753 units (up from 434,954 in 2002) Proton
> sold just 141,121 vehicles, which accounted for a market share of just 22.5
> per cent. In contrast, Perodua sold 189,137 cars for over 30 per cent of
> the overall market while Toyota continued to grow with 105,151 sales.
> Incidentally, the Japanese brand managed just 27,355 sales in 2002 with 60
> per cent of those being commercial vehicle sales.****
> No matter how you look at them, the numbers make for some pretty grim
> reading. Despite having 28 years of history behind it Proton is still
> heavily reliant on the Malaysian car buyer, as export numbers remain tiny.
> In 2012 only about 20,000 Protons were sold outside of Malaysia in 55
> countries, which makes them a tiny niche brand in most markets.****
> <>
> ****
> Proton replaced its family sedan, the Proton Persona with the Prev�****
> Proton is aware of its failings and to their credit, are taking
> considerable steps to reenergise the brand. New owners DRB-Hicom have had a
> monumental task to clean out old regimes and systems and plan for a better
> future but one wonders if they�re being overly ambitious. As recently as
> late June 2013, Proton Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Khamil Jamil stated that their
> aim was to reclaim sales leadership in Malaysia within two years and sell
> 500,000 cars a year globally within the next five years.****
> These are very aggressive numbers and despite a renewed focus on exports,
> one wonders if Proton will eventually lose the hearts and wallets of
> Malaysian buyers. Evidence of this already happening is wide spread.****
> Aside from the continued strength of Perodua, the biggest threat to Proton
> undoubtedly comes Japanese and Korean brands. The Japanese in particular
> have taken ASEAN production and localisation to heart coming up with a slew
> of products at ever-smaller price tags. It started slow but the Nissan
> Almera got things really rolling in 2012 with a starting price of just over
> RM66,000. Then Suzuki started locally assembling the all-new Swift and its
> price dropped to RM65,888 while Honda shocked everyone with the RM74,800
> with insurance price tag of the CKD Jazz.****
> At a stroke cars from Japanese brands were now within the reach of Proton
> buyers and though there was a still a premium to be paid (a basic Proton
> Prev� manual starts at less than RM60,000) those who could afford the
> increased monthly payments were only too eager to jump ship. There in lies
> the other problem for Proton.****
> Due to the favourable taxation structures previously employed, for nearly
> 20-years car buyers with a �hard ceiling� of RM65,000 had little or no
> choice. If you wanted a new car for that money (and who wouldn�t rather
> have new over used?) then you had to visit the Proton dealer. More often
> than not, the buyer also came up against a �take it or leave it� attitude
> as salesmen could always find a buyer for cars in odd or unfavourable spec.
> ****
> <>
> ****
> Proton's latest family sedan, the Prev� is probably the company's most
> sophisticated offering yet****
> ****
> Put those buyers into a market situation where they suddenly have options
> and you get an �anything but Proton� attitude. It�s not that Malaysians are
> anti national cars, anti-Proton or even pro-Japanese but having been force
> fed a steady diet of Protons and Peroduas for decades, most just want to
> buy from a different brand and now they have a chance to do so.****
> That being the case, some may wonder why Perodua isn�t in the same
> predicament and the simple answer is that they are in the very lowest
> levels of the market where cars are bought as basic transport. Its also
> clear Malaysians have a more favourable opinion of Perodua, which is
> probably due to the Toyota/Daihatsu spin-offs they sell. It�s a sad
> admission to make but the very best Proton cars have always been those that
> were re-badged efforts rather than something they designed in-house.****
> <>
> ****
> Proton's Saga of the future****
> ****
> Which brings us back to the main question. Is Proton still relevant to
> Malaysians? For the first half of 2013, Proton sold 64,782 cars in a market
> that grew 4.1 per cent over the same period on 2012. There is a new Prev�
> hatchback due in September this year, which should help create some extra
> excitement for the brand but it�s also clear to see sales are on downward
> slope. Instead of claiming market leadership in two years, we could see
> Proton replaced by Toyota as the second most popular brand in Malaysia.
> Unless something happens soon, there is no real way out of the predicament,
> which is a shame because back in 1985 my heart filled with Malaysian pride
> whenever I saw a Proton Saga. ****
> ****
> This e-mail and the attachment is from Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM). It is
> intended solely for the person to whom they are addressed and may be
> confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are
> notified that disclosing, distributing, copying or taking any action in
> reliance of the content of this information is strictly prohibited. Please
> notify the sender immediately if you have received this e-mail and delete
> it from your system. The recipient should check the e-mail and any
> attachment for the presence of viruses that could be transmitted via
> e-mail. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free
> as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, incomplete
> or contain viruses. TM accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in
> the contents of this message which arises as a result of e-mail
> transmission. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this e-mail
> that does not relate to the official business of TM shall be understood as
> neither given nor endorsed by TM.

Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:55 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

Mcm artikel tu ckp..perodua aim at the lowest level / basic level of Msian consumers.
Gomen pun turut lingkupkan proton bila depa introduce Perodua..
org tamak selalu rugi....
tak perlu aku letak fakta, boleh pikir sendiri kot.....

From: Sukri Farah <>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

....yes still relevant.........kalau harganye relevant...

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Ruslan Zakaria <> wrote:

>Memang masih releven, Cuma mohon samakan harga seperti harga yg dieksport.
>Negara pengeluar mahal daripada Negara yg dieksport.

> [] On Behalf Of -:eSpAcE9808:-
>Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 11:55 PM
>To: zzxmelayucyber
>Subject: - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

>Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?
>By Naveen Victor| Motor Trader Malaysia 

>Proton Gen 2
>Malaysia's national carmaker is finding it increasingly difficult to attract local buyers but does it mean they're in permanent decline?
>Many Malaysians have a colourful history with Proton and it has to be said not all of it's bad. When the original Proton Saga was launched on 9th July 1985 the feeling of national pride was palpable throughout the country. We had become a car-producing nation and it would be our springboard towards becoming an industrialised nation. Where are those dreams now?
>Proton Wira also known as the Persona in the UK

>In 2002, Proton sold 214,985 vehicles and accounted for 49.43 per cent of total vehicle sales in Malaysia. In 2012, despite Malaysia having a TIV (Total Industry Volume) of 627,753 units (up from 434,954 in 2002) Proton sold just 141,121 vehicles, which accounted for a market share of just 22.5 per cent. In contrast, Perodua sold 189,137 cars for over 30 per cent of the overall market while Toyota continued to grow with 105,151 sales. Incidentally, the Japanese brand managed just 27,355 sales in 2002 with 60 per cent of those being commercial vehicle sales.
>No matter how you look at them, the numbers make for some pretty grim reading. Despite having 28 years of history behind it Proton is still heavily reliant on the Malaysian car buyer, as export numbers remain tiny. In 2012 only about 20,000 Protons were sold outside of Malaysia in 55 countries, which makes them a tiny niche brand in most markets.
>Proton replaced its family sedan, the Proton Persona with the Prevé
>Proton is aware of its failings and to their credit, are taking considerable steps to reenergise the brand. New owners DRB-Hicom have had a monumental task to clean out old regimes and systems and plan for a better future but one wonders if they're being overly ambitious. As recently as late June 2013, Proton Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Khamil Jamil stated that their aim was to reclaim sales leadership in Malaysia within two years and sell 500,000 cars a year globally within the next five years.
>These are very aggressive numbers and despite a renewed focus on exports, one wonders if Proton will eventually lose the hearts and wallets of Malaysian buyers. Evidence of this already happening is wide spread.
>Aside from the continued strength of Perodua, the biggest threat to Proton undoubtedly comes Japanese and Korean brands. The Japanese in particular have taken ASEAN production and localisation to heart coming up with a slew of products at ever-smaller price tags. It started slow but the Nissan Almera got things really rolling in 2012 with a starting price of just over RM66,000. Then Suzuki started locally assembling the all-new Swift and its price dropped to RM65,888 while Honda shocked everyone with the RM74,800 with insurance price tag of the CKD Jazz.
>At a stroke cars from Japanese brands were now within the reach of Proton buyers and though there was a still a premium to be paid (a basic Proton Prevé manual starts at less than RM60,000) those who could afford the increased monthly payments were only too eager to jump ship. There in lies the other problem for Proton.
>Due to the favourable taxation structures previously employed, for nearly 20-years car buyers with a 'hard ceiling' of RM65,000 had little or no choice. If you wanted a new car for that money (and who wouldn't rather have new over used?) then you had to visit the Proton dealer. More often than not, the buyer also came up against a 'take it or leave it' attitude as salesmen could always find a buyer for cars in odd or unfavourable spec.
>Proton&#39;s latest family sedan, the Prevé is probably the company's most sophisticated offering yet

>Put those buyers into a market situation where they suddenly have options and you get an 'anything but Proton' attitude. It's not that Malaysians are anti national cars, anti-Proton or even pro-Japanese but having been force fed a steady diet of Protons and Peroduas for decades, most just want to buy from a different brand and now they have a chance to do so.
>That being the case, some may wonder why Perodua isn't in the same predicament and the simple answer is that they are in the very lowest levels of the market where cars are bought as basic transport. Its also clear Malaysians have a more favourable opinion of Perodua, which is probably due to the Toyota/Daihatsu spin-offs they sell. It's a sad admission to make but the very best Proton cars have always been those that were re-badged efforts rather than something they designed in-house.
>Proton&#39;s Saga of the future

>Which brings us back to the main question. Is Proton still relevant to Malaysians? For the first half of 2013, Proton sold 64,782 cars in a market that grew 4.1 per cent over the same period on 2012. There is a new Prevé hatchback due in September this year, which should help create some extra excitement for the brand but it's also clear to see sales are on downward slope. Instead of claiming market leadership in two years, we could see Proton replaced by Toyota as the second most popular brand in Malaysia. Unless something happens soon, there is no real way out of the predicament, which is a shame because back in 1985 my heart filled with Malaysian pride whenever I saw a Proton Saga.
>This e-mail and the attachment is from Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM). It is intended solely for the person to whom they are addressed and may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, distributing, copying or taking any action in reliance of the content of this information is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately if you have received this e-mail and delete it from your system. The recipient should check the e-mail and any attachment for the presence of viruses that could be transmitted via e-mail. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, incomplete or contain viruses. TM accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arises as a result of e-mail transmission. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this e-mail that does not relate to the
official business of TM shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by TM.

Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:34 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Nazri Ahtar" littlenoti

perodua murah ke ? myvi 1.3..... lebih kurang saga FL je kot.....
tapi lebih kecil.

perodua yg bebetul murah is viva je... lain macam tak berbaloi punya harga.
Nazri Ahtar

From: bashah <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

Mcm artikel tu ckp..perodua aim at the lowest level / basic level of Msian consumers.
Gomen pun turut lingkupkan proton bila depa introduce Perodua..
org tamak selalu rugi....
tak perlu aku letak fakta, boleh pikir sendiri kot.....

From: Sukri Farah <>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

....yes still relevant.........kalau harganye relevant...

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Ruslan Zakaria <> wrote:

>Memang masih releven, Cuma mohon samakan harga seperti harga yg dieksport.
>Negara pengeluar mahal daripada Negara yg dieksport.

> [] On Behalf Of -:eSpAcE9808:-
>Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 11:55 PM
>To: zzxmelayucyber
>Subject: - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?

>Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?
>By Naveen Victor| Motor Trader Malaysia 

>Proton Gen 2
>Malaysia's national carmaker is finding it increasingly difficult to attract local buyers but does it mean they're in permanent decline?
>Many Malaysians have a colourful history with Proton and it has to be said not all of it's bad. When the original Proton Saga was launched on 9th July 1985 the feeling of national pride was palpable throughout the country. We had become a car-producing nation and it would be our springboard towards becoming an industrialised nation. Where are those dreams now?
>Proton Wira also known as the Persona in the UK

>In 2002, Proton sold 214,985 vehicles and accounted for 49.43 per cent of total vehicle sales in Malaysia. In 2012, despite Malaysia having a TIV (Total Industry Volume) of 627,753 units (up from 434,954 in 2002) Proton sold just 141,121 vehicles, which accounted for a market share of just 22.5 per cent. In contrast, Perodua sold 189,137 cars for over 30 per cent of the overall market while Toyota continued to grow with 105,151 sales. Incidentally, the Japanese brand managed just 27,355 sales in 2002 with 60 per cent of those being commercial vehicle sales.
>No matter how you look at them, the numbers make for some pretty grim reading. Despite having 28 years of history behind it Proton is still heavily reliant on the Malaysian car buyer, as export numbers remain tiny. In 2012 only about 20,000 Protons were sold outside of Malaysia in 55 countries, which makes them a tiny niche brand in most markets.
>Proton replaced its family sedan, the Proton Persona with the Prevé
>Proton is aware of its failings and to their credit, are taking considerable steps to reenergise the brand. New owners DRB-Hicom have had a monumental task to clean out old regimes and systems and plan for a better future but one wonders if they're being overly ambitious. As recently as late June 2013, Proton Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Khamil Jamil stated that their aim was to reclaim sales leadership in Malaysia within two years and sell 500,000 cars a year globally within the next five years.
>These are very aggressive numbers and despite a renewed focus on exports, one wonders if Proton will eventually lose the hearts and wallets of Malaysian buyers. Evidence of this already happening is wide spread.
>Aside from the continued strength of Perodua, the biggest threat to Proton undoubtedly comes Japanese and Korean brands. The Japanese in particular have taken ASEAN production and localisation to heart coming up with a slew of products at ever-smaller price tags. It started slow but the Nissan Almera got things really rolling in 2012 with a starting price of just over RM66,000. Then Suzuki started locally assembling the all-new Swift and its price dropped to RM65,888 while Honda shocked everyone with the RM74,800 with insurance price tag of the CKD Jazz.
>At a stroke cars from Japanese brands were now within the reach of Proton buyers and though there was a still a premium to be paid (a basic Proton Prevé manual starts at less than RM60,000) those who could afford the increased monthly payments were only too eager to jump ship. There in lies the other problem for Proton.
>Due to the favourable taxation structures previously employed, for nearly 20-years car buyers with a 'hard ceiling' of RM65,000 had little or no choice. If you wanted a new car for that money (and who wouldn't rather have new over used?) then you had to visit the Proton dealer. More often than not, the buyer also came up against a 'take it or leave it' attitude as salesmen could always find a buyer for cars in odd or unfavourable spec.
>Proton&#39;s latest family sedan, the Prevé is probably the company's most sophisticated offering yet

>Put those buyers into a market situation where they suddenly have options and you get an 'anything but Proton' attitude. It's not that Malaysians are anti national cars, anti-Proton or even pro-Japanese but having been force fed a steady diet of Protons and Peroduas for decades, most just want to buy from a different brand and now they have a chance to do so.
>That being the case, some may wonder why Perodua isn't in the same predicament and the simple answer is that they are in the very lowest levels of the market where cars are bought as basic transport. Its also clear Malaysians have a more favourable opinion of Perodua, which is probably due to the Toyota/Daihatsu spin-offs they sell. It's a sad admission to make but the very best Proton cars have always been those that were re-badged efforts rather than something they designed in-house.
>Proton&#39;s Saga of the future

>Which brings us back to the main question. Is Proton still relevant to Malaysians? For the first half of 2013, Proton sold 64,782 cars in a market that grew 4.1 per cent over the same period on 2012. There is a new Prevé hatchback due in September this year, which should help create some extra excitement for the brand but it's also clear to see sales are on downward slope. Instead of claiming market leadership in two years, we could see Proton replaced by Toyota as the second most popular brand in Malaysia. Unless something happens soon, there is no real way out of the predicament, which is a shame because back in 1985 my heart filled with Malaysian pride whenever I saw a Proton Saga.
>This e-mail and the attachment is from Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM). It is intended solely for the person to whom they are addressed and may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that disclosing, distributing, copying or taking any action in reliance of the content of this information is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately if you have received this e-mail and delete it from your system. The recipient should check the e-mail and any attachment for the presence of viruses that could be transmitted via e-mail. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, incomplete or contain viruses. TM accepts no liability for any errors or omissions in the contents
of this message which arises as a result of e-mail transmission. Opinions, conclusions and other information in this e-mail that does not relate to the official business of TM shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by TM.

Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:55 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Sukri Farah"

..perodua walau rege sama dan mahal......quality is better than dah rase 2-2 kete..

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Nazri Ahtar <> wrote:

> perodua murah ke ? myvi 1.3..... lebih kurang saga FL je kot.....
> tapi lebih kecil.
> perodua yg bebetul murah is viva je... lain macam tak berbaloi punya harga.
> rgds,
> Nazri Ahtar
> ------------------------------
> *From:* bashah <>
> *To:* "" <>
> *Cc:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 2:55 PM
> *Subject:* Re: - Fw: Is Proton Still
> Relevant To Malaysians?
> Mcm artikel tu ckp..perodua aim at the lowest level / basic level of Msian
> consumers.
> Gomen pun turut lingkupkan proton bila depa introduce Perodua..
> org tamak selalu rugi....
> tak perlu aku letak fakta, boleh pikir sendiri kot.....
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Sukri Farah <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Monday, August 26, 2013 12:20 PM
> *Subject:* Re: - Fw: Is Proton Still
> Relevant To Malaysians?
> ....yes still relevant.........kalau harganye relevant...
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Ruslan Zakaria <>wrote:
> **
> Memang masih releven, Cuma mohon samakan harga seperti harga yg
> dieksport.****
> Negara pengeluar mahal daripada Negara yg dieksport.****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *-:eSpAcE9808:-
> *Sent:* Friday, August 23, 2013 11:55 PM
> *To:* zzxmelayucyber
> *Subject:* - Fw: Is Proton Still Relevant
> To Malaysians?****
> ** **
> ****
> ****
> *Is Proton Still Relevant To Malaysians?*****
> [image: Motor Trader Malaysia] <>By *Naveen
> Victor* | *Motor Trader Malaysia* ****
> ****
> <>
> ****
> Proton Gen 2****
> *Malaysia�s national carmaker is finding it increasingly difficult to
> attract local buyers but does it mean they�re in permanent decline?*****
> Many Malaysians have a colourful history with Proton and it has to be said
> not all of it�s bad. When the original Proton Saga was launched on 9th July
> 1985 the feeling of national pride was palpable throughout the country. We
> had become a car-producing nation and it would be our springboard towards
> becoming an industrialised nation. Where are those dreams now?****
> <>
> ****
> Proton Wira also known as the Persona in the UK****
> ****
> In 2002, Proton sold 214,985 vehicles and accounted for 49.43 per cent of
> total vehicle sales in Malaysia. In 2012, despite Malaysia having a TIV
> (Total Industry Volume) of 627,753 units (up from 434,954 in 2002) Proton
> sold just 141,121 vehicles, which accounted for a market share of just 22.5
> per cent. In contrast, Perodua sold 189,137 cars for over 30 per cent of
> the overall market while Toyota continued to grow with 105,151 sales.
> Incidentally, the Japanese brand managed just 27,355 sales in 2002 with 60
> per cent of those being commercial vehicle sales.****
> No matter how you look at them, the numbers make for some pretty grim
> reading. Despite having 28 years of history behind it Proton is still
> heavily reliant on the Malaysian car buyer, as export numbers remain tiny.
> In 2012 only about 20,000 Protons were sold outside of Malaysia in 55
> countries, which makes them a tiny niche brand in most markets.****
> <>
> ****
> Proton replaced its family sedan, the Proton Persona with the Prev�****
> Proton is aware of its failings and to their credit, are taking
> considerable steps to reenergise the brand. New owners DRB-Hicom have had a
> monumental task to clean out old regimes and systems and plan for a better
> future but one wonders if they�re being overly ambitious. As recently as
> late June 2013, Proton Chairman Tan Sri Mohd Khamil Jamil stated that their
> aim was to reclaim sales leadership in Malaysia within two years and sell
> 500,000 cars a year globally within the next five years.****
> These are very aggressive numbers and despite a renewed focus on exports,
> one wonders if Proton will eventually lose the hearts and wallets of
> Malaysian buyers. Evidence of this already happening is wide spread.****
> Aside from the continued strength of Perodua, the biggest threat to Proton
> undoubtedly comes Japanese and Korean brands. The Japanese in particular
> have taken ASEAN production and localisation to heart coming up with a slew
> of products at ever-smaller price tags. It started slow but the Nissan
> Almera got things really rolling in 2012 with a starting price of just over
> RM66,000. Then Suzuki started locally assembling the all-new Swift and its
> price dropped to RM65,888 while Honda shocked everyone with the RM74,800
> with insurance price tag of the CKD Jazz.****
> At a stroke cars from Japanese brands were now within the reach of Proton
> buyers and though there was a still a premium to be paid (a basic Proton
> Prev� manual starts at less than RM60,000) those who could afford the
> increased monthly payments were only too eager to jump ship. There in lies
> the other problem for Proton.****
> Due to the favourable taxation structures previously employed, for nearly
> 20-years car buyers with a �hard ceiling� of RM65,000 had little or no
> choice. If you wanted a new car for that money (and who wouldn�t rather
> have new over used?) then you had to visit the Proton dealer. More often
> than not, the buyer also came up against a �take it or leave it� attitude
> as salesmen could always find a buyer for cars in odd or unfavourable spec.
> ****
> <>
> ****
> Proton's latest family sedan, the Prev� is probably the company's most
> sophisticated offering yet****
> ****
> Put those buyers into a market situation where they suddenly have options
> and you get an �anything but Proton� attitude. It�s not that Malaysians are
> anti national cars, anti-Proton or even pro-Japanese but having been force
> fed a steady diet of Protons and Peroduas for decades, most just want to
> buy from a different brand and now they have a chance to do so.****
> That being the case, some may wonder why Perodua isn�t in the same
> predicament and the simple answer is that they are in the very lowest
> levels of the market where cars are bought as basic transport. Its also
> clear Malaysians have a more favourable opinion of Perodua, which is
> probably due to the Toyota/Daihatsu spin-offs they sell. It�s a sad
> admission to make but the very best Proton cars have always been those that
> were re-badged efforts rather than something they designed in-house.****
> <>
> ****
> Proton's Saga of the future****
> ****
> Which brings us back to the main question. Is Proton still relevant to
> Malaysians? For the first half of 2013, Proton sold 64,782 cars in a market
> that grew 4.1 per cent over the same period on 2012. There is a new Prev�
> hatchback due in September this year, which should help create some extra
> excitement for the brand but it�s also clear to see sales are on downward
> slope. Instead of claiming market leadership in two years, we could see
> Proton replaced by Toyota as the second most popular brand in Malaysia.
> Unless something happens soon, there is no real way out of the predicament,
> which is a shame because back in 1985 my heart filled with Malaysian pride
> whenever I saw a Proton Saga. ****
> ****
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