Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - Digest Number 4288[4 Attachments]

12 Messages

Digest #4288


Tue Sep 8, 2015 8:19 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Lagi Gambar Pelanggan Bawa Anjing Dalam Troli Tersebar

Ampang - Setelah gambar dua orang pelanggan membawa anjing di dalam troli di Tesco menjadi viral, kini timbul pula gambar seorang lelaki yang membuat perkara yang sama di sebuah pasaraya di Ampang.

Menurut gambar yang dimuat naik oleh pengguna Facebook Muhammad Senyum, lelaki berkenaan membawa anak anjingnya di dalam sebuah troli.

Gambar terbabit diambil pada 25 Ogos lepas iaitu sebelum isu dua wanita membawa anjing dalam troli menjadi viral. Muhammad Senyum kemudian sekali lagi memuat naik gambar yang sama pada 6 September yang lalu.

Sementara itu, Tesco Malaysia telah mengambil tindakan membesarkan saiz papan tanda larangan membawa haiwan di semua 53 pasarayanya di seluruh negara berikutan isu dua pelanggan yang membawa anjing menaiki troli di Tesco Extra Plentong Johor Bahru pada Jumaat lepas.

Menurut Pengarah Hal Ehwal Korporat dan Perhubungan Kerajaan merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Halal Tesco, Datuk Azlan Shah Alias, tindakan itu bertujuan bagi memastikan larangan berkenaan disedari setiap pengunjung.

"Kami sedang mengkaji untuk membuat papan tanda larangan membawa masuk haiwan ke dalam premis dengan saiz yang lebih besar, jelas dan banyak di pasar raya.

"Papan tanda sedia ada mungkin kurang mendapat perhatian orang ramai kerana saiznya tidak berapa besar dan dibuat di atas pelekat lutsinar," katanya memetik laporan Kosmo!

Tue Sep 8, 2015 7:29 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

ambik lagi sekuriti gard bangla banyak2.

On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 11:21 PM, "'-:eSpAcE9808:-' [automobil]" <> wrote:

  Lagi Gambar Pelanggan Bawa Anjing Dalam Troli Tersebar 
Ampang - Setelah gambar dua orang pelanggan membawa anjing di dalam troli di Tesco menjadi viral, kini timbul pula gambar seorang lelaki yang membuat perkara yang sama di sebuah pasaraya di Ampang.

Menurut gambar yang dimuat naik oleh pengguna Facebook Muhammad Senyum, lelaki berkenaan membawa anak anjingnya di dalam sebuah troli.

Gambar terbabit diambil pada 25 Ogos lepas iaitu sebelum isu dua wanita membawa anjing dalam troli menjadi viral. Muhammad Senyum kemudian sekali lagi memuat naik gambar yang sama pada 6 September yang lalu.

Sementara itu, Tesco Malaysia telah mengambil tindakan membesarkan saiz papan tanda larangan membawa haiwan di semua 53 pasarayanya di seluruh negara berikutan isu dua pelanggan yang membawa anjing menaiki troli di Tesco Extra Plentong Johor Bahru pada Jumaat lepas.

Menurut Pengarah Hal Ehwal Korporat dan Perhubungan Kerajaan merangkap Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Halal Tesco, Datuk Azlan Shah Alias, tindakan itu bertujuan bagi memastikan larangan berkenaan disedari setiap pengunjung.

"Kami sedang mengkaji untuk membuat papan tanda larangan membawa masuk haiwan ke dalam premis dengan saiz yang lebih besar, jelas dan banyak di pasar raya.

"Papan tanda sedia ada mungkin kurang mendapat perhatian orang ramai kerana saiznya tidak berapa besar dan dibuat di atas pelekat lutsinar," katanya memetik laporan Kosmo!

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Tue Sep 8, 2015 8:20 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Pelajar Terkejut Bank Tidak Mahu Tukar Ringgit ke Pound Sterling

JOHOR BAHRU - Seorang pelajar Doktor Falsafah di sebuah Universiti di United Kingdom mendakwa sebuah bank di Johor enggan menerima tukaran wang dari Ringgit kepada Pound Sterling.

"Tadi pergi bank, bank cakap mereka tidak terima tukar dekat cawangan sini," kata Nurayuni Daud, 28 (bukan nama sebenar) memetik laporan dari Sinar Online.

Menurutnya, kejadian berlaku di sebuah bank pagi semalam dan sebelum ini dia tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk membuat pertukaran wang Ringgit Malaysia ke Pound Sterling.

"Saya hendak tukar, bank tidak mahu ambil, rugi katanya, jadi saya hendak tukar di mana....sedih Malaysia macam ini," katanya.

Tambah Nurayuni, duit yang mahu ditukarnya hanya bernilai RM1,500.

"Setakat 200 Pound Sterling dalam duit Malaysia RM1,500," katanya.

"Pergi 'money changer' pun mereka tidak berani ambil....hari ini (semalam) paling teruk duit Malaysia jatuh 1 Pound Sterling bersamaan RM6.54," keluhnya.

Menceritakan hidupnya di UK, Nurayuni berkata InsyaAllah semuanya akan 'baik-baik sahaja'.

"Hidup dekat UK ok sahaja nak 'survive', sana galakkan bekerja...banyak kerja 'part time' lagi, bayaran pun OK, sebab kos kehidupan rendah. Sejam dapat 8 Pound Sterling sejam pun dah banyak, sebab 8 Pound itu sudah besar, boleh beli macam-macam," katanya. -

----- Original Message -----
From: Mohamed Fudzail
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:20 PM
Subject: RM vs USD

Huh !! Maybank jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.42 !!! Yahudi Pula Jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.34 !!
Tengoklah sendiri. This from Maybank's Forex website here . US$ / RM is at RM4.4280 (Selling TT). Harga Maybank !!

Now here is the international FX website XE Currency quoting US$ / RM at RM4.34.

Rupanya Yahudi letak nilai yang lebih tinggi kepada matawang Ringgit.

I am just pulling your legs lah.

Maybank quotes higher because banking is an oligopoly in Malaysia. And Maybank is the biggest player. Plus they work hand in hand with BNM.

So they just stick it to you - the consumer. You dont have much choice. Shut your mouth and bayar saja.

If you go to the mamak money changer you can get better value for Ringgit Malaysia. Mamak pun macam Yahudi juga. Depa letak nilai yang lebih tinggi bagi duit Ringgit kita.

The Dollar / Ringgit is now firmly past RM4.30. Now it is at RM4.42 (in Maybank) and at RM4.34 elsewhere.

Very soon it will hit RM4.50.

The economy is already dead. People who import goods (factories, trading companies, machinery importers, computer importers, smart phone importers, textiles importers, food importers) are already suffering. They have to fork out more and more Ringgit to import goods.

Prices are increasing day by day. Here is some Std 2 (Darjah 2) arithmetic. The GST has added 15% - 25% to prices. The Ringgit has weakened by about 12% now against the US Dollar. The gomen of course is lying about the real cost effects of the GST. Now they will tell more lies about the effects on prices of the falling Ringgit.

All this is going to push prices up more and more. People will not be able to afford to buy things. The economy is dying before our eyes. CIMB has laid off 3600 workers. RHB has offered VSS to all its 18,000 staff. Petronas has cut exploration rigs by more than half. The JPA is NOT taking in new staff.

And the bloody village idiots in gomen are still garu tel*q, not doing anything.

Why is our economy weakening? Why is our Ringgit falling? It is not just the 1MDB scandal or the loss of confidence by the international community in our corrupted Prime Minister and his increasingly dictatorial methods to preserve his power by corrupt means.

There is a much larger reason for our economic weakness. We are not innovating, we are not creating new growth sectors in the economy, we are not creating new wealth, we are not creating new technology niches or even applying new technologies in great quantities in our economy.

Science and technology is not stagnant. It is constantly racing ahead. We have to keep up.We are not keeping up.

Since 2003, when Tun Dr Mahathir retired, the leadership of the country (the two Prime Ministers) has not read a single book on the economy and development.

During his term did Abdullah Badawi read even one book that has anything to do with the economy or economic development? Or even one journal article? Or a magazine article? I dont think so. Neither does Najib Razak. That moron did not even finish his university degree.

Neither do the majority of the Cabinet members. (Utusan Malaysia, Mangga, Upin Ipin do not count ok).

Here I must digress and salute Dollah Salleh for resigning as the coach of our 10-0 losing football team. The question now is will we appoint another incompetent coach and lose 15-0 against Papua New Guinea which may not have a football team. Lets wait and see.

Because that is the style that has been used in gomen since 2003. They got all these incompetent morons, crooks and cronies to inhabit the Cabinet, the GLCs and as influential chairmen and CEOs of the gomen corporates.

They set up incompetent morons as advisors to the gomen (the Pemandus, Pemanduls, Pemudahs, the Hisap Candus etc) who for the past 12 years have been running the country into the ground.

Some morons lost billions of taxpayers Ringgits in failed adventures. They got promoted into vastly powerful positions in gomen. That is why the Ringgit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.

Other morons with little or no experience were put in charge of major financial corporations and banks. That is also why thevRinggit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.

Yet other morons with dubious backgrounds, with fraudulent paper qualifications were put in charge of corpoartions worth billions of Ringgit. They started siphoning money out.

All this, a few tens of millions here, a few hundred millions there, have added up - over the past 12 years to weaken the economy from within.

Despite spending all this money, there is little or no new wealth creation in our economy.

Other morons even took money out by the hundreds of millions (usually taxpayers money or duit pencarum) and invested in real estate in foreign countries. Despite spending billions of Ringgit like this overseas they did not create even one job for a Malaysian INSIDE Malaysia.

All this has added up to weakening the economy and weakening the Ringgit.

And here is the bad news. After 12 years these morons are still in charge in the gomen and they are still in charge in our economy.

And I must say, Islamic banking is also weakening the economy and indirectly weakening the Ringgit. Can you imagine an Islamic bank making profits of RM3 BILLION or more a year from consumer loans !!

They charge their ignorant Muslim borrowers something like "4% + BLR" for loans (err...oops..there are no such things as loans in islamic banking) to buy TVs, washing machines and cars. Consumption spending.

Muslim people are therefore paying much, much more for their financing needs. They get less in return. In other places this is called cheating. Here they call it Islamic. The people become poorer. When they become poorer the economy also becomes weaker.

Then when you talk to these Islamic bankers, 'Brader you can make RM3 billion profits, can you talk to me about corporate lending, securitisation, syndication, cashflow lending etc' they go blur. They do not really know banking.

Then you ask them about car loans (err...financing), washing machine financing, LCD TV financing and they go, 'Do you have PGB?' (Potongan Gaji Bulanan / Direct Salary Deduction)? If you answer yes, the loan (err...financing) is approved. Thats all they know about banking. They dont add much financial expertise in the economy.

Lets not talk about technology ok. Just forget about it. The Khazanah dunggus want to sell Silterra - a silicon foundry. They cannot understand that there is a queue to buy it or its equipment. Why?

They also want to sell the only manufacturing plant in Malaysia that manufactures wing components for the Airbus airplanes !! Maybe they have sold it already. Why? The dunggus do not understand technology.

(By the way it is September already. Khazanah dah jual saham TNB ke belum? You know, to dress up the books!! End of the year is coming.)

This type of moronic incompetence has been running the country since 2003. Along the way they also lost the 2/3 majority in Parliament.

1. Hence the Ringgit is falling.
2. The economy is stalling.
3. The unpopularity of the corrupt gomen is increasing.
4. The corrupt gomen is turning to more strong arm tactics to keep themselves in power.
5. Repeat from 1 above.

Tue Sep 8, 2015 4:32 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi


On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 11:20 PM, "'-:eSpAcE9808:-' [automobil]" <> wrote:

  Pelajar Terkejut Bank Tidak Mahu Tukar Ringgit ke Pound Sterling 
JOHOR BAHRU - Seorang pelajar Doktor Falsafah di sebuah Universiti di United Kingdom mendakwa sebuah bank di Johor enggan menerima tukaran wang dari Ringgit kepada Pound Sterling.

"Tadi pergi bank, bank cakap mereka tidak terima tukar dekat cawangan sini," kata Nurayuni Daud, 28 (bukan nama sebenar) memetik laporan dari Sinar Online.

Menurutnya, kejadian berlaku di sebuah bank pagi semalam dan sebelum ini dia tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk membuat pertukaran wang Ringgit Malaysia ke Pound Sterling.

"Saya hendak tukar, bank tidak mahu ambil, rugi katanya, jadi saya hendak tukar di mana....sedih Malaysia macam ini," katanya.

Tambah Nurayuni, duit yang mahu ditukarnya hanya bernilai RM1,500.

"Setakat 200 Pound Sterling dalam duit Malaysia RM1,500," katanya.

"Pergi 'money changer' pun mereka tidak berani ambil....hari ini (semalam) paling teruk duit Malaysia jatuh 1 Pound Sterling bersamaan RM6.54," keluhnya.

Menceritakan hidupnya di UK, Nurayuni berkata InsyaAllah semuanya akan 'baik-baik sahaja'.

"Hidup dekat UK ok sahaja nak 'survive', sana galakkan bekerja...banyak kerja 'part time' lagi, bayaran pun OK, sebab kos kehidupan rendah. Sejam dapat 8 Pound Sterling sejam pun dah banyak, sebab 8 Pound itu sudah besar, boleh beli macam-macam," katanya. -  ----- Original Message ----- From: Mohamed Fudzail To: Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:20 PMSubject: RM vs USD
Huh !! Maybank jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.42 !!! Yahudi Pula Jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.34 !!
Tengoklah sendiri. This from Maybank's Forex website here .  US$ / RM is at RM4.4280 (Selling TT). Harga Maybank !!

Now here is the international FX website XE Currency quoting US$ / RM at RM4.34. 
Rupanya Yahudi letak nilai yang lebih tinggi kepada matawang Ringgit.

I am just pulling your legs lah. 

Maybank quotes higher because banking is an oligopoly in Malaysia. And Maybank is the biggest player. Plus they work hand in hand with BNM.  

So they just stick it to you - the consumer. You dont have much choice. Shut your mouth and bayar saja.
If you go to the mamak money changer you can get better value for Ringgit Malaysia. Mamak pun macam Yahudi juga. Depa letak nilai yang lebih tinggi bagi duit Ringgit kita.
The Dollar / Ringgit is now firmly past RM4.30. Now it is at RM4.42 (in Maybank) and at RM4.34 elsewhere.
Very soon it will hit RM4.50. 
The economy is already dead. People who import goods (factories, trading companies, machinery importers, computer importers, smart phone importers, textiles importers, food importers) are already suffering. They have to fork out more and more Ringgit to import goods. 
Prices are increasing day by day. Here is some Std 2 (Darjah 2) arithmetic. The GST has added 15% - 25% to prices. The Ringgit has weakened by about 12% now against the US Dollar.  The gomen of course is lying about the real cost effects of the GST.  Now they will tell more lies about the effects on prices of the falling Ringgit.
All this is going to push prices up more and more. People will not be able to afford to buy things. The economy is dying before our eyes.  CIMB has laid off 3600 workers. RHB has offered VSS to all its 18,000 staff. Petronas has cut exploration rigs by more than half. The JPA is NOT taking in new staff.
And the bloody village idiots in gomen are still garu tel*q, not doing anything.
Why is our economy weakening? Why is our Ringgit falling? It is not just the 1MDB scandal or the loss of confidence by the international community in our corrupted Prime Minister and his increasingly dictatorial methods to preserve his power by corrupt means.
There is a much larger reason for our economic weakness.  We are not innovating, we are not creating new growth sectors in the economy, we are not creating new wealth, we are not creating new technology niches or even applying new technologies in great quantities in our economy.
Science and technology is not stagnant. It is constantly racing ahead. We have to keep up.We are not keeping up.
Since 2003, when Tun Dr Mahathir retired, the leadership of the country (the two Prime Ministers) has not read a single book on the economy and development.
During his term did Abdullah Badawi read even one book that has anything to do with the economy or economic development? Or even one journal article? Or a magazine article? I dont think so. Neither does Najib Razak. That moron did not even finish his university degree.
Neither do the majority of the Cabinet members.  (Utusan Malaysia, Mangga, Upin Ipin do not count ok).
Here I must digress and salute Dollah Salleh for resigning as the coach of our 10-0 losing football team.  The question now is will we appoint another incompetent coach and lose 15-0 against  Papua New Guinea which may not have a football team.  Lets wait and see.
Because that is the style that has been used in gomen since 2003. They got all these incompetent morons, crooks and cronies to inhabit the Cabinet, the GLCs and as influential chairmen and CEOs of the gomen corporates. 

They set up incompetent morons as advisors to the gomen (the Pemandus, Pemanduls, Pemudahs, the Hisap Candus etc) who for the past 12 years have been running the country into the ground.
Some morons lost billions of  taxpayers Ringgits in failed adventures. They got promoted  into vastly powerful positions in gomen. That is why the Ringgit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.
Other morons with little or no experience were put in charge of major financial corporations and banks. That is also why thevRinggit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.
Yet other morons with dubious backgrounds, with fraudulent paper qualifications were put in charge of corpoartions worth billions of Ringgit. They started siphoning money out. 
All this, a few tens of millions here, a few hundred millions there, have added up - over the past 12 years to weaken the economy from within.  

Despite spending all this money, there is little or no new wealth creation in our economy.
Other morons even took money out by the hundreds of millions (usually taxpayers money or duit pencarum) and invested in real estate in foreign countries.  Despite spending billions of Ringgit like this overseas they did not create even one job for a Malaysian INSIDE Malaysia.
All this has added up to weakening the economy and weakening the Ringgit.
And here is the bad news. After 12 years these morons are still in charge in the gomen and they are still in charge in our economy.
And I must say, Islamic banking is also weakening the economy and indirectly weakening the Ringgit. Can you imagine an Islamic bank making profits of RM3 BILLION or more a year from consumer loans !!  

They charge their ignorant Muslim borrowers something like  "4% + BLR" for loans (err...oops..there are no such things as loans in islamic banking) to buy TVs, washing machines and cars. Consumption spending.
Muslim people are therefore paying much, much more for their financing needs. They get less in return. In other places this is called cheating. Here they call it Islamic. The people become poorer. When they become poorer the economy also becomes weaker.
Then when you talk to these Islamic bankers, 'Brader you can make RM3 billion profits, can you talk to me about  corporate lending, securitisation, syndication, cashflow lending etc' they go blur. They do not really know banking.
Then you ask them about car loans (err...financing), washing machine financing, LCD TV financing and they go, 'Do you have PGB?' (Potongan Gaji Bulanan / Direct Salary Deduction)?  If you answer yes, the loan (err...financing) is approved. Thats all they know about banking.  They dont add much financial expertise in the economy.
Lets not talk about technology ok. Just forget about it. The Khazanah dunggus want to sell Silterra - a silicon foundry.  They cannot understand that there is a queue to buy it or its equipment.  Why?
They also want to sell the only manufacturing plant in Malaysia that manufactures wing components for the Airbus airplanes !! Maybe they have sold it already.  Why? The dunggus do not understand technology.
(By the way it is September already. Khazanah dah jual saham TNB ke belum? You know, to dress up the books!! End of the year is coming.)
This type of moronic incompetence has been running the country since 2003. Along the way they also lost the 2/3 majority in Parliament.
1. Hence the Ringgit is falling. 2. The economy is stalling. 3. The unpopularity of the corrupt gomen is increasing. 4. The corrupt gomen is turning to more strong arm tactics to keep themselves in power.5. Repeat from 1 above. #yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749 -- #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp #yiv5268782749hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp #yiv5268782749ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp .yiv5268782749ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp .yiv5268782749ad p {margin:0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mkp .yiv5268782749ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-sponsor #yiv5268782749ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-sponsor #yiv5268782749ygrp-lc #yiv5268782749hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-sponsor #yiv5268782749ygrp-lc .yiv5268782749ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749actions {font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749activity {background-color:#e0ecee;float:left;font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;padding:10px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749activity span {font-weight:700;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749activity span:first-child {text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749activity span a {color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749activity span span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749activity span .yiv5268782749underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749attach {clear:both;display:table;font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;padding:10px 0;width:400px;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749attach div a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749attach img {border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749attach label {display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749attach label a 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#yiv5268782749 div.yiv5268782749photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv5268782749 div#yiv5268782749ygrp-mlmsg #yiv5268782749ygrp-msg p a span.yiv5268782749yshortcuts {font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;font-weight:normal;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749MsoNormal {margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv5268782749 o {font-size:0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749photos div div {border:1px solid #666666;height:62px;overflow:hidden;width:62px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749photos div label {color:#666666;font-size:10px;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;width:64px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749reco-category {font-size:77%;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749reco-desc {font-size:77%;}#yiv5268782749 .yiv5268782749replbq {margin:4px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-actbar div a:first-child {margin-right:2px;padding-right:5px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-mlmsg 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#yiv5268782749ov li {font-size:77%;list-style-type:square;padding:6px 0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-sponsor #yiv5268782749ov ul {margin:0;padding:0 0 0 8px;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-text {font-family:Georgia;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-text p {margin:0 0 1em 0;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-text tt {font-size:120%;}#yiv5268782749 #yiv5268782749ygrp-vital ul li:last-child {border-right:none !important;}#yiv5268782749

Tue Sep 8, 2015 5:41 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Zaiedishaq" zaiedishaq

Dulu saya nak tukar yen pun money changer cakap tak boleh.
Bila saya tanya kenapa, dia cakap "Yen dah abis bang.."
Hmm OK lah tu.. Alasan masuk akal..

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 7:23 AM, bashah [automobil] <> wrote:

> tahniah
> On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 11:20 PM, "'-:eSpAcE9808:-'
> [automobil]" <> wrote:
> *Pelajar Terkejut Bank Tidak Mahu Tukar Ringgit ke Pound Sterling*
> <>
> *JOHOR BAHRU* - Seorang pelajar Doktor Falsafah di sebuah Universiti di
> United Kingdom mendakwa sebuah bank di Johor enggan menerima tukaran wang
> dari Ringgit kepada Pound Sterling.
> "*Tadi pergi bank, bank cakap mereka tidak terima tukar dekat cawangan
> sini*," kata Nurayuni Daud, 28 (bukan nama sebenar) memetik laporan dari
> Sinar Online
> <>
> .
> Menurutnya, kejadian berlaku di sebuah bank pagi semalam dan sebelum ini
> dia tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk membuat pertukaran wang Ringgit
> Malaysia ke Pound Sterling.
> "*Saya hendak tukar, bank tidak mahu ambil, rugi katanya, jadi saya
> hendak tukar di mana....sedih Malaysia macam ini*," katanya.
> Tambah Nurayuni, duit yang mahu ditukarnya hanya bernilai RM1,500.
> "*Setakat 200 Pound Sterling dalam duit Malaysia RM1,500*," katanya.
> "*Pergi 'money changer' pun mereka tidak berani ambil....hari ini
> (semalam) paling teruk duit Malaysia jatuh 1 Pound Sterling bersamaan
> RM6.54,*" keluhnya.
> Menceritakan hidupnya di UK, Nurayuni berkata InsyaAllah semuanya akan
> 'baik-baik sahaja'.
> "*Hidup dekat UK ok sahaja nak 'survive', sana galakkan bekerja...banyak
> kerja 'part time' lagi, bayaran pun OK, sebab kos kehidupan rendah. Sejam
> dapat 8 Pound Sterling sejam pun dah banyak, sebab 8 Pound itu sudah besar,
> boleh beli macam-macam*," katanya. - <>
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Mohamed Fudzail <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:20 PM
> *Subject:* RM vs USD
> Huh !! Maybank jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.42 !!! Yahudi Pula Jual US$ Pada
> Harga RM4.34 !!
> <>
> *Tengoklah sendiri. This from Maybank's Forex website here
> <> . **US$ /
> RM is at RM4.4280 (Selling TT). Harga Maybank !!*
> <>
> *Now here is the international FX website XE Currency quoting US$ / RM at
> RM4.34. *
> *Rupanya Yahudi letak nilai yang lebih tinggi kepada matawang Ringgit.*
> <>
> *I am just pulling your legs lah. *
> *Maybank quotes higher because banking is an oligopoly in Malaysia. And
> Maybank is the biggest player. Plus they work hand in hand with BNM. *
> *So they just stick it to you - the consumer. You dont have much choice.
> Shut your mouth and bayar saja.*
> *If you go to the mamak money changer you can get better value for Ringgit
> Malaysia. Mamak pun macam Yahudi juga. Depa letak nilai yang lebih tinggi
> bagi duit Ringgit kita.*
> *The Dollar / Ringgit is now firmly past RM4.30. Now it is at RM4.42 (in
> Maybank) and at RM4.34 elsewhere.*
> *Very soon it will hit RM4.50. *
> *The economy is already dead. People who import goods (factories, trading
> companies, machinery importers, computer importers, smart phone importers,
> textiles importers, food importers) are already suffering. They have to
> fork out more and more Ringgit to import goods. *
> *Prices are increasing day by day. Here is some Std 2 (Darjah 2)
> arithmetic. The GST has added 15% - 25% to prices. **The Ringgit has
> weakened by about 12% now against the US Dollar. The gomen of course is
> lying about the real cost effects of the GST. Now they will tell more lies
> about the effects on prices of the falling Ringgit.*
> *All this is going to push prices up more and more. People will not be
> able to afford to buy things. The economy is dying before our eyes. CIMB
> has laid off 3600 workers. RHB has offered VSS to all its 18,000 staff.
> Petronas has cut exploration rigs by more than half. The JPA is NOT taking
> in new staff.*
> *And the bloody village idiots in gomen are still garu tel*q, not doing
> anything.*
> *Why is our economy weakening? Why is our Ringgit falling? It is not just
> the 1MDB scandal or the loss of confidence by the international community
> in our corrupted Prime Minister and his increasingly dictatorial methods to
> preserve his power by corrupt means.*
> *There is a much larger reason for our economic weakness. We are not
> innovating, we are not creating new growth sectors in the economy, we are
> not creating new wealth, we are not creating new technology niches or even
> applying new technologies in great quantities in our economy.*
> *Science and technology is not stagnant. It is constantly racing ahead. We
> have to keep up.We are not keeping up.*
> *Since 2003, when Tun Dr Mahathir retired, the leadership of the country
> (the two Prime Ministers) has not read a single book on the economy and
> development.*
> *During his term did Abdullah Badawi read even one book that has anything
> to do with the economy or economic development? Or even one journal
> article? Or a magazine article? I dont think so. Neither does Najib Razak.
> That moron did not even finish his university degree.*
> *Neither do the majority of the Cabinet members. (Utusan Malaysia,
> Mangga, Upin Ipin do not count ok).*
> *Here I must digress and salute Dollah Salleh for resigning as the coach
> of our 10-0 losing football team. The question now is will we appoint
> another incompetent coach and lose 15-0 against Papua New Guinea which may
> not have a football team. Lets wait and see.*
> *Because that is the style that has been used in gomen since 2003. They
> got all these incompetent morons, crooks and cronies to inhabit the
> Cabinet, the GLCs and as influential chairmen and CEOs of the gomen
> corporates. *
> *They set up incompetent morons as advisors to the gomen (the Pemandus,
> Pemanduls, Pemudahs, the Hisap Candus etc) who for the past 12 years have
> been running the country into the ground.*
> *Some morons lost billions of taxpayers Ringgits in failed adventures.
> They got promoted into vastly powerful positions in gomen. That is why the
> Ringgit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.*
> *Other morons with little or no experience were put in charge of major
> financial corporations and banks. That is also why thevRinggit is at RM4.42
> in Maybank today.*
> *Yet other morons with dubious backgrounds, with fraudulent paper
> qualifications were put in charge of corpoartions worth billions of
> Ringgit. They started siphoning money out. *
> *All this, a few tens of millions here, a few hundred millions there, have
> added up - over the past 12 years to weaken the economy from within. *
> *Despite spending all this money, there is little or no new wealth
> creation in our economy.*
> *Other morons even took money out by the hundreds of millions (usually
> taxpayers money or duit pencarum) and invested in real estate in foreign
> countries. Despite spending billions of Ringgit like this overseas they
> did not create even one job for a Malaysian INSIDE Malaysia.*
> *All this has added up to weakening the economy and weakening the Ringgit.*
> *And here is the bad news. After 12 years these morons are still in charge
> in the gomen and they are still in charge in our economy.*
> *And I must say, Islamic banking is also weakening the economy and
> indirectly weakening the Ringgit. Can you imagine an Islamic bank making
> profits of RM3 BILLION or more a year from consumer loans !! *
> *They charge their ignorant Muslim borrowers something like "4% + BLR"
> for loans (err...oops..there are no such things as loans in islamic
> banking) to buy TVs, washing machines and cars. Consumption spending.*
> *Muslim people are therefore paying much, much more for their financing
> needs. They get less in return. In other places this is called cheating.
> Here they call it Islamic. The people become poorer. When they become
> poorer the economy also becomes weaker.*
> *Then when you talk to these Islamic bankers, 'Brader you can make RM3
> billion profits, can you talk to me about corporate lending,
> securitisation, syndication, cashflow lending etc' they go blur. They do
> not really know banking.*
> *Then you ask them about car loans (err...financing), washing machine
> financing, LCD TV financing and they go, 'Do you have PGB?' (Potongan Gaji
> Bulanan / Direct Salary Deduction)? If you answer yes, the loan
> (err...financing) is approved. Thats all they know about banking. They
> dont add much financial expertise in the economy.*
> *Lets not talk about technology ok. Just forget about it. The Khazanah
> dunggus want to sell Silterra - a silicon foundry. They cannot understand
> that there is a queue to buy it or its equipment. Why?*
> *They also want to sell the only manufacturing plant in Malaysia that
> manufactures wing components for the Airbus airplanes !! Maybe they have
> sold it already. Why? The dunggus do not understand technology.*
> *(By the way it is September already. Khazanah dah jual saham TNB ke
> belum? You know, to dress up the books!! End of the year is coming.)*
> *This type of moronic incompetence has been running the country since
> 2003. Along the way they also lost the 2/3 majority in Parliament.*
> *1. Hence the Ringgit is falling. *
> *2. The economy is stalling. *
> *3. The unpopularity of the corrupt gomen is increasing. *
> *4. The corrupt gomen is turning to more strong arm tactics to keep
> themselves in power.*
> *5. Repeat from 1 above.*

Tue Sep 8, 2015 6:39 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

Bank tu habis RM kut..hahaapapun nak tukar duit ,,kalau boleh janGAN tukar di bank besaor2..depa makan lebih...lebih elok tukar di pengurup wang kecil2 

On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 8:41 AM, "Zaiedishaq [automobil]" <> wrote:

  Dulu saya nak tukar yen pun money changer cakap tak boleh.Bila saya tanya kenapa, dia cakap "Yen dah abis bang.."Hmm OK lah tu.. Alasan masuk akal..
On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 7:23 AM, bashah [automobil] <> wrote:


On Tuesday, September 8, 2015 11:20 PM, "'-:eSpAcE9808:-' [automobil]" <> wrote:

  Pelajar Terkejut Bank Tidak Mahu Tukar Ringgit ke Pound Sterling 
JOHOR BAHRU - Seorang pelajar Doktor Falsafah di sebuah Universiti di United Kingdom mendakwa sebuah bank di Johor enggan menerima tukaran wang dari Ringgit kepada Pound Sterling.

"Tadi pergi bank, bank cakap mereka tidak terima tukar dekat cawangan sini," kata Nurayuni Daud, 28 (bukan nama sebenar) memetik laporan dari Sinar Online.

Menurutnya, kejadian berlaku di sebuah bank pagi semalam dan sebelum ini dia tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah untuk membuat pertukaran wang Ringgit Malaysia ke Pound Sterling.

"Saya hendak tukar, bank tidak mahu ambil, rugi katanya, jadi saya hendak tukar di mana....sedih Malaysia macam ini," katanya.

Tambah Nurayuni, duit yang mahu ditukarnya hanya bernilai RM1,500.

"Setakat 200 Pound Sterling dalam duit Malaysia RM1,500," katanya.

"Pergi 'money changer' pun mereka tidak berani ambil....hari ini (semalam) paling teruk duit Malaysia jatuh 1 Pound Sterling bersamaan RM6.54," keluhnya.

Menceritakan hidupnya di UK, Nurayuni berkata InsyaAllah semuanya akan 'baik-baik sahaja'.

"Hidup dekat UK ok sahaja nak 'survive', sana galakkan bekerja...banyak kerja 'part time' lagi, bayaran pun OK, sebab kos kehidupan rendah. Sejam dapat 8 Pound Sterling sejam pun dah banyak, sebab 8 Pound itu sudah besar, boleh beli macam-macam," katanya. -  ----- Original Message ----- From: Mohamed Fudzail To: Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 1:20 PMSubject: RM vs USD
Huh !! Maybank jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.42 !!! Yahudi Pula Jual US$ Pada Harga RM4.34 !!
Tengoklah sendiri. This from Maybank's Forex website here .  US$ / RM is at RM4.4280 (Selling TT). Harga Maybank !!

Now here is the international FX website XE Currency quoting US$ / RM at RM4.34. 
Rupanya Yahudi letak nilai yang lebih tinggi kepada matawang Ringgit.

I am just pulling your legs lah. 

Maybank quotes higher because banking is an oligopoly in Malaysia. And Maybank is the biggest player. Plus they work hand in hand with BNM.  

So they just stick it to you - the consumer. You dont have much choice. Shut your mouth and bayar saja.
If you go to the mamak money changer you can get better value for Ringgit Malaysia. Mamak pun macam Yahudi juga. Depa letak nilai yang lebih tinggi bagi duit Ringgit kita.
The Dollar / Ringgit is now firmly past RM4.30. Now it is at RM4.42 (in Maybank) and at RM4.34 elsewhere.
Very soon it will hit RM4.50. 
The economy is already dead. People who import goods (factories, trading companies, machinery importers, computer importers, smart phone importers, textiles importers, food importers) are already suffering. They have to fork out more and more Ringgit to import goods. 
Prices are increasing day by day. Here is some Std 2 (Darjah 2) arithmetic. The GST has added 15% - 25% to prices. The Ringgit has weakened by about 12% now against the US Dollar.  The gomen of course is lying about the real cost effects of the GST.  Now they will tell more lies about the effects on prices of the falling Ringgit.
All this is going to push prices up more and more. People will not be able to afford to buy things. The economy is dying before our eyes.  CIMB has laid off 3600 workers. RHB has offered VSS to all its 18,000 staff. Petronas has cut exploration rigs by more than half. The JPA is NOT taking in new staff.
And the bloody village idiots in gomen are still garu tel*q, not doing anything.
Why is our economy weakening? Why is our Ringgit falling? It is not just the 1MDB scandal or the loss of confidence by the international community in our corrupted Prime Minister and his increasingly dictatorial methods to preserve his power by corrupt means.
There is a much larger reason for our economic weakness.  We are not innovating, we are not creating new growth sectors in the economy, we are not creating new wealth, we are not creating new technology niches or even applying new technologies in great quantities in our economy.
Science and technology is not stagnant. It is constantly racing ahead. We have to keep up.We are not keeping up.
Since 2003, when Tun Dr Mahathir retired, the leadership of the country (the two Prime Ministers) has not read a single book on the economy and development.
During his term did Abdullah Badawi read even one book that has anything to do with the economy or economic development? Or even one journal article? Or a magazine article? I dont think so. Neither does Najib Razak. That moron did not even finish his university degree.
Neither do the majority of the Cabinet members.  (Utusan Malaysia, Mangga, Upin Ipin do not count ok).
Here I must digress and salute Dollah Salleh for resigning as the coach of our 10-0 losing football team.  The question now is will we appoint another incompetent coach and lose 15-0 against  Papua New Guinea which may not have a football team.  Lets wait and see.
Because that is the style that has been used in gomen since 2003. They got all these incompetent morons, crooks and cronies to inhabit the Cabinet, the GLCs and as influential chairmen and CEOs of the gomen corporates. 

They set up incompetent morons as advisors to the gomen (the Pemandus, Pemanduls, Pemudahs, the Hisap Candus etc) who for the past 12 years have been running the country into the ground.
Some morons lost billions of  taxpayers Ringgits in failed adventures. They got promoted  into vastly powerful positions in gomen. That is why the Ringgit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.
Other morons with little or no experience were put in charge of major financial corporations and banks. That is also why thevRinggit is at RM4.42 in Maybank today.
Yet other morons with dubious backgrounds, with fraudulent paper qualifications were put in charge of corpoartions worth billions of Ringgit. They started siphoning money out. 
All this, a few tens of millions here, a few hundred millions there, have added up - over the past 12 years to weaken the economy from within.  

Despite spending all this money, there is little or no new wealth creation in our economy.
Other morons even took money out by the hundreds of millions (usually taxpayers money or duit pencarum) and invested in real estate in foreign countries.  Despite spending billions of Ringgit like this overseas they did not create even one job for a Malaysian INSIDE Malaysia.
All this has added up to weakening the economy and weakening the Ringgit.
And here is the bad news. After 12 years these morons are still in charge in the gomen and they are still in charge in our economy.
And I must say, Islamic banking is also weakening the economy and indirectly weakening the Ringgit. Can you imagine an Islamic bank making profits of RM3 BILLION or more a year from consumer loans !!  

They charge their ignorant Muslim borrowers something like  "4% + BLR" for loans (err...oops..there are no such things as loans in islamic banking) to buy TVs, washing machines and cars. Consumption spending.
Muslim people are therefore paying much, much more for their financing needs. They get less in return. In other places this is called cheating. Here they call it Islamic. The people become poorer. When they become poorer the economy also becomes weaker.
Then when you talk to these Islamic bankers, 'Brader you can make RM3 billion profits, can you talk to me about  corporate lending, securitisation, syndication, cashflow lending etc' they go blur. They do not really know banking.
Then you ask them about car loans (err...financing), washing machine financing, LCD TV financing and they go, 'Do you have PGB?' (Potongan Gaji Bulanan / Direct Salary Deduction)?  If you answer yes, the loan (err...financing) is approved. Thats all they know about banking.  They dont add much financial expertise in the economy.
Lets not talk about technology ok. Just forget about it. The Khazanah dunggus want to sell Silterra - a silicon foundry.  They cannot understand that there is a queue to buy it or its equipment.  Why?
They also want to sell the only manufacturing plant in Malaysia that manufactures wing components for the Airbus airplanes !! Maybe they have sold it already.  Why? The dunggus do not understand technology.
(By the way it is September already. Khazanah dah jual saham TNB ke belum? You know, to dress up the books!! End of the year is coming.)
This type of moronic incompetence has been running the country since 2003. Along the way they also lost the 2/3 majority in Parliament.
1. Hence the Ringgit is falling. 2. The economy is stalling. 3. The unpopularity of the corrupt gomen is increasing. 4. The corrupt gomen is turning to more strong arm tactics to keep themselves in power.5. Repeat from 1 above.

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Tue Sep 8, 2015 8:20 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

'Rosmah susahkan polis, bazir masa beli-belah&#39;

Posted by Jeebond BLM

Bekas Timbalan Pengarah Cawangan Khas (SB) polis Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador mendakwa amalan isteri perdana menteri Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor yang gemar dan kerap membeli-belah menyusahkan pegawai polis dan pengiringnya. Bercakap kepada Malaysiakini, katanya, Rosmah suka membazir masa membeli-belah sehingga berjam-jam.

Dek Gemar Bershopping, Rosmah Menyusahkan Anggota Polis.
Saya Benci Harga Barang Naik!

Bekas Timbalan Pengarah Cawangan Khas (SB) polis Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador memberitahu kepada media bahawa Rosmah ;

1. Suka membeli belah selama berjam2 lamanya.

2. Dan aktiviti itu pula dilakukan dengan kerap.

3. Sehingga menyusahkan kerajaan kerana kerajaan terpaksa tanggung kos membayar pegawai polis dan pasukan pengiring ketika menemani Rosmah Mansur membeli belah. Anggota terpaksa kerja lebih masa dan disebabkan itu kerajaan terpaksa bayar OT kepada anggota2 tersebut.

Fikir positif. Maybe Rosmah nak bagi pendapatan lebih kot kat dorang?



Ini la yang orang sebut2 selalu tue.Ingatkan fitnah rupa2nya betul sebab yang dedahkan tue bekas timbalan SB. Bukan cikai2 punya jawatan woi. Sejak2 kena tukar ke JPM, semakin lantang pula Abdul Hamid kokak Rosmah. Hari tue kokak pasal Rosmah hadir meeting tetapi dinafikan oleh pegawai khas Rosmah. Rosmah katanya suri rumah biasa. Tapi pelik gak aku. Kalau suri rumah biasa yang dok naik pesawat pesawit ke sama ke mari untuk urusan kerajaan tue apa pula?

Ha Ha Ha

Pusing pusing daaaaaaa.

Rosmah nak shopping sakan guna duit dia apa ada hal. Tapi pasal apa pula rakyat nak kena provide kemudahan pasukan keselamatan kepada Rosmah Mansur? Mungkin sebagai isteri PM, ada beberapa keistimewaan yang dia boleh terima tetapi biarlah bersesuaian dengan kemampuan kerajaan. Takan disebabkan Rosmah punya aktiviti shopping, rakyat kena keluar kos lebih, ye tak?

Dan satu lagi. Ini orang la salurkan info. Tapi aku malas nak godek2 sebab faktor kesihatan. Lebih kurang minggu lepas tak silap aku. Ada member neh bagitau Rosmah guna pesawat peribadi pergi sana sini dalam masa 2 hari. Info tempat yang dia landing ada. Tapi betul2 tak larat masa tue so terpaksa letgo je la info tu. Andai la cerita tue benar, tatau la sapa yang tanggung semua tue. Tangan kat dada sudah. Tawakal je la.


Tengok gambar di atas. Dia memang pandai bergaya. Pakai baju biru siap satu set rantai, cincin dan gelang biru. Kau ada? Nak cari pakaian dan barang kemas sepadan kena la rajin membeli belah. Patutlah bekas timbalan SB complain.

Terbarai: Kenapa tak jawab sendiri?

Tak tahulah sape yang bohong sape yang tipu.......

Bekas bos SB cabar Rosmah jawab sendiri tuduhan Hari


Posted by mountdweller

Anne Muhammad

Bekas timbalan pengarah Cawangan Khas (SB) polis Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador menggesa isteri perdana menteri Rosmah Mansor tampil menjawab sendiri dakwaan terhadapnya dan tidak menggunakan orang tengah.

Hamid perkata Rosmah tidak perlu menggunakan pembantunya Datuk Rizal Mansor untuk bercakap bagi pihaknya.


"Sanggupkah Rosmah sendiri tampil buat penafian? Dia tak boleh bercakap sendiri ke?

"Sudah tentu, dia (perlu) jawablah," katanya kepada Malaysiakini.

Isnin lalu, Hamid membangkitkan persoalan kepada Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi sama ada pertukarannya ke Jabatan Perdana Menteri dibuat dalam "mesyuarat tergempar" dipengerusikan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan turut dihadiri Rosmah.

Bagaimanapun semalam Rizal dengan keras menafikan dakwaan Rosmah menghadiri mesyuarat tergempar seperti yang didakwa.

Sementara itu, Hamid juga membangkitkan isu berkaitan amalan membeli-belah Rosmah yang didakwanya menyusahkan pegawai dan pengiringnya.

"Selama ini dia banyak menyusahkan pegawai saya. Suka membazir waktu 'bershopping&#39; sakan. Berjam-jam lamanya pegawai polis kena iring.

"Aktiviti dia (Rosmah) itu memaksa kerajaan tanggung kos lebih untuk bayar elaun pegawai-pegawai untuk iring," dakwanya.


Rizal: Tunggu berita siar dulu

Menjawab soalan, Hamid berkata beliau tidak bimbang dikenakan sebarang tindakan atas kenyataan pedasnya itu.

"Saya tidak takut mati pun. Sudah saya buktikan waktu Ops Daulat (dalam kes pencerobohan Lahad Datu). Lagipun saya tidak percaya ilmu-ilmu ghaib, bomoh, hantu puaka. Kuasa Allah mengatasi segalanya.

"Kalau saya perlu pergi ke mahkamah, lagi bagus. Senang untuk saya dedahkan semuanya," katanya.

Sementara itu, Rizal ketika dihubungi Malaysiakini enggan mengulas lanjut sebaliknya menunggu berita ini disiarkan terlebih dahulu.

"Nanti saya jawab. Siarkan dahulu berita Datuk Abdul Hamid (gambar) ini dulu," katanya.

Malaysiakini sedang cuba mendapatkan reaksi Rizal lagi hari ini.
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Tue Sep 8, 2015 8:21 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Dua Wanita Terkejut Kena Bayar Parkir Sebanyak RM12,177 Untuk Tempoh Empat Jam

KUALA LUMPUR: Dua wanita terkejut besar apabila mereka terpaksa membayar caj letak kereta berjumlah RM12,177 untuk tempoh hanya empat jam, di salah sebuah pusat membelah belah di ibu negara selepas menghadiri majlis sambutan hari jadi.

Menurut salah seorang daripada mangsa, yang dikenali sebagai Datin Ira Ghani, caj berkenaan jelas tidak munasabah, sedangkan jumlah RM12,177 hanya boleh dikenakan jika seseorang meletak kenderaannya selama 408 hari.

"Pada hakikatnya kami berada di situ tidak lebih empat jam dan perkara itu menambah kemusykilan kami," katanya dipetik daripada portal myMetro.

Kejadian itu berlaku apabila rakannya mahu membayar caj parkir di mesin automatik berkenaan.

"Saya hairan kenapa dia berpatah balik dan mengajak saya untuk melihat sendiri harga bayaran tiket berkenaan.

"Kami terkejut dengan jumlah harga tiket yang terpapar di skrin mesin pembayaran automatik," ceritanya sambil tertawa.

Selepas membuat aduan tentang jumlah tidak masuk akal itu, kedua-dua wanita berkenaan dimaklumkan terdapat masalah teknikal di mesin automatik berkenaan dan bayaran yang sepatutnya adalah RM12 sahaja.

Datin Terkejut Parking Kereta Cecah RM12,000

Seorang Datin dan rakannya terkejut apabila melihat jumlah caj parking yang perlu dibayarnya mencecah RM12,000 atau secara tepatnya, RM12,177.

Dia meletakkan kenderaannya untuk tempoh empat jam ketika meraikan majlis hari jadi di sebuah pusat membeli belah terkemuka di Kuala Lumpur.

Menurut mangsa, Datin Ira Ghani, caj tersebut ternyata jauh lebih tinggi dari biasa dan tidak masuk akal.

Menurutnya, caj sebanyak itu bersamaan dengan caj parking selama 408 hari.

"Pada hakikatnya kami berada di situ tidak lebih empat jam dan perkara itu menambah kemusykilan kami," memetik laporan myMetro.

Insiden pelik itu dikatakan mula terjadi apabila dia dan rakannya keluar meninggalkan tempat berkenaan setelah selesai majlis yang dihadirinya. Dia mula merasa pelik apabila rakannya berpatah balik dan mengajaknya melihat sendiri harga bayaran tiket di mesin pembayaran automatik.

"Saya hairan kenapa dia berpatah balik dan mengajak saya untuk melihat sendiri harga bayaran tiket berkenaan.

"Kami terkejut dengan jumlah harga tiket yang terpapar di skrin mesin pembayaran automatik," ceritanya sambil tertawa.

Mereka berdua kemudian membuat aduan ke pusat aduan parking disitu dan ternyata ada berlaku kesilapan teknikal pada mesin yang terbabit.

"Perkara itu diselesaikan dengan bantuan pihak pengurusan parkir terbabit dan bayaran tiket parkir terbabit hanyalah sebanyak RM12 saja," katanya.

Ira Ghani kemudiannya memuat naik video berkenaan ke laman Instagramnya yang kemudian menjadi viral di media sosial. -
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Tue Sep 8, 2015 8:24 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"-:eSpAcE9808:-" rienacom

Ada juga manusia Isi Petrol macam ni??

Dilulus untuk paparan oleh KetamBatu

ADUH, nampaknya masih ada jenis manusia yang bersikap terlampau ingin berjimat cermat ni. Menerusi sebuah video yang kini mengundang pelbagai reaksi daripada netizen, seorang lelaki telah melakukan aksi luar biasa terhadap keretanya sewaktu mengisi minyak.

Lelaki India berkenaan menghenjutkan keretanya beberapa kali demi memberikan ruang lebihan untuk mengisi minyak keretanya sehingga penuh.

Tindakan 'bijak' lelaki terbabit bukan sahaja menyebabkan si perakam terpaksa menunggu dengan penuh sabar, bahkan netizen yang melihat video berkenaan turut memberikan kritikan kepada pelaku.

Melalui video, kedengaran dialek Negeri Sembilan daripada perakam yang jelas amat berang dengan tindakan individu terbabit.

"Cam ni punya orang pun ado, dah penoh dah la, bingai betul la. Dah penuh tu dah la, cukup la, ekau nak tuang macam mano lagi.

"Haih, di honjot-honjot ketonye dah ha, entoh apo-apo entah, ambil la duit balance tu," ujar perakam.

Mungkin tindakan perlaku terbabit ingin memastikan minyak yang diisi betul-betul penuh tetapi apa yang pasti dia telah menyusahkan pengguna lain ketika berada di stesen minyak.

Seorang pengguna memberi 'idea' agar individu terbabit menggunakan sahaja tong balang air bagi memastikan setiap minyak yang diisi dapat dipastikan.

"Ada juga orang macam ni…menyusahkan orang lain. Jika macam tu baik guna tong air letak dalam bonet lagi senang lihat bila dah penuh," ujar Abdul Kadir Saat. – MYNEWSHUB.CC
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Tue Sep 8, 2015 5:43 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Zaiedishaq" zaiedishaq

Pernah sekali kena cam ni kat petronas. Bila minta duit belen, dia cakap
"encik, kena amik barang. saya tak boleh pulang duit".

2015-09-08 23:23 GMT+08:00 '-:eSpAcE9808:-'
[automobil] <>:

> [Attachment(s) <#14fad8f00960ade9_TopText> from -:eSpAcE9808:- included
> below]
> *Ada juga manusia Isi Petrol macam ni?? *
> Dilulus untuk paparan oleh KetamBatu
> <>
> <>
> ADUH, nampaknya masih ada jenis manusia yang bersikap terlampau ingin
> berjimat cermat ni. Menerusi sebuah video yang kini mengundang pelbagai
> reaksi daripada netizen, seorang lelaki telah melakukan aksi luar biasa
> terhadap keretanya sewaktu mengisi minyak.
> Lelaki India berkenaan menghenjutkan keretanya beberapa kali demi
> memberikan ruang lebihan untuk mengisi minyak keretanya sehingga penuh.
> Tindakan 'bijak' lelaki terbabit bukan sahaja menyebabkan si perakam
> terpaksa menunggu dengan penuh sabar, bahkan netizen yang melihat video
> berkenaan turut memberikan kritikan kepada pelaku.
> Melalui video, kedengaran dialek Negeri Sembilan daripada perakam yang
> jelas amat berang dengan tindakan individu terbabit.
> *"Cam ni punya orang pun ado, dah penoh dah la, bingai betul la. Dah penuh
> tu dah la, cukup la, ekau nak tuang macam mano lagi.*
> *"Haih, di honjot-honjot ketonye dah ha, entoh apo-apo entah, ambil la
> duit balance tu,"* ujar perakam.
> Mungkin tindakan perlaku terbabit ingin memastikan minyak yang diisi
> betul-betul penuh tetapi apa yang pasti dia telah menyusahkan pengguna lain
> ketika berada di stesen minyak.
> Seorang pengguna memberi 'idea' agar individu terbabit menggunakan sahaja
> tong balang air bagi memastikan setiap minyak yang diisi dapat dipastikan.
> "Ada juga orang macam ni…menyusahkan orang lain. Jika macam tu baik guna
> tong air letak dalam bonet lagi senang lihat bila dah penuh," ujar Abdul
> Kadir Saat. – MYNEWSHUB.CC

Tue Sep 8, 2015 6:43 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"bashah" bwasi

Undan2 pengguna Malaysia Lemah...tengoklah menteri nya sapa? cap Ayam..jangan marah, ini semua org tahu

On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 8:43 AM, "Zaiedishaq [automobil]" <> wrote:

  Pernah sekali kena cam ni kat petronas. Bila minta duit belen, dia cakap "encik, kena amik barang. saya tak boleh pulang duit".

2015-09-08 23:23 GMT+08:00 '-:eSpAcE9808:-' [automobil] <>:

  [Attachment(s) from -:eSpAcE9808:- included below]  
| Ada juga manusia Isi Petrol macam ni??

Dilulus untuk paparan oleh KetamBatu |


ADUH, nampaknya masih ada jenis manusia yang bersikap terlampau ingin berjimat cermat ni. Menerusi sebuah video yang kini mengundang pelbagai reaksi daripada netizen, seorang lelaki telah melakukan aksi luar biasa terhadap keretanya sewaktu mengisi minyak.Lelaki India berkenaan menghenjutkan keretanya beberapa kali demi memberikan ruang lebihan untuk mengisi minyak keretanya sehingga penuh.Tindakan 'bijak' lelaki terbabit bukan sahaja menyebabkan si perakam terpaksa menunggu dengan penuh sabar, bahkan netizen yang melihat video berkenaan turut memberikan kritikan kepada pelaku.Melalui video, kedengaran dialek Negeri Sembilan daripada perakam yang jelas amat berang dengan tindakan individu terbabit."Cam ni punya orang pun ado, dah penoh dah la, bingai betul la. Dah penuh tu dah la, cukup la, ekau nak tuang macam mano lagi."Haih, di honjot-honjot ketonye dah ha, entoh apo-apo entah, ambil la duit balance tu," ujar perakam.Mungkin tindakan perlaku terbabit ingin memastikan minyak yang diisi betul-betul penuh tetapi apa yang pasti dia telah menyusahkan pengguna lain ketika berada di stesen minyak.Seorang pengguna memberi 'idea' agar individu terbabit menggunakan sahaja tong balang air bagi memastikan setiap minyak yang diisi dapat dipastikan."Ada juga orang macam ni…menyusahkan orang lain. Jika macam tu baik guna tong air letak dalam bonet lagi senang lihat bila dah penuh," ujar Abdul Kadir Saat. – MYNEWSHUB.CC

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Attachment(s) from bashah
1 of 1 Photo(s)

Tue Sep 8, 2015 8:07 pm (PDT) . Posted by:

"Zaiedishaq" zaiedishaq

tak marah...
semua tau..

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:40 AM, bashah [automobil] <> wrote:

> [Attachment(s) <#14fafc5ba3819a37_TopText> from bashah included below]
> Undan2 pengguna Malaysia Lemah...
> tengoklah menteri nya sapa? cap Ayam..
> jangan marah, ini semua org tahu
> On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 8:43 AM, "Zaiedishaq
> [automobil]" <> wrote:
> Pernah sekali kena cam ni kat petronas. Bila minta duit belen, dia cakap
> "encik, kena amik barang. saya tak boleh pulang duit".
> 2015-09-08 23:23 GMT+08:00 '-:eSpAcE9808:-'
> [automobil] <>:
> [Attachment(s)
> <>
> from -:eSpAcE9808:- included below]
> *Ada juga manusia Isi Petrol macam ni?? *
> Dilulus untuk paparan oleh KetamBatu
> <>
> <>
> ADUH, nampaknya masih ada jenis manusia yang bersikap terlampau ingin
> berjimat cermat ni. Menerusi sebuah video yang kini mengundang pelbagai
> reaksi daripada netizen, seorang lelaki telah melakukan aksi luar biasa
> terhadap keretanya sewaktu mengisi minyak.
> Lelaki India berkenaan menghenjutkan keretanya beberapa kali demi
> memberikan ruang lebihan untuk mengisi minyak keretanya sehingga penuh.
> Tindakan 'bijak' lelaki terbabit bukan sahaja menyebabkan si perakam
> terpaksa menunggu dengan penuh sabar, bahkan netizen yang melihat video
> berkenaan turut memberikan kritikan kepada pelaku.
> Melalui video, kedengaran dialek Negeri Sembilan daripada perakam yang
> jelas amat berang dengan tindakan individu terbabit.
> *"Cam ni punya orang pun ado, dah penoh dah la, bingai betul la. Dah penuh
> tu dah la, cukup la, ekau nak tuang macam mano lagi.*
> *"Haih, di honjot-honjot ketonye dah ha, entoh apo-apo entah, ambil la
> duit balance tu,"* ujar perakam.
> Mungkin tindakan perlaku terbabit ingin memastikan minyak yang diisi
> betul-betul penuh tetapi apa yang pasti dia telah menyusahkan pengguna lain
> ketika berada di stesen minyak.
> Seorang pengguna memberi 'idea' agar individu terbabit menggunakan sahaja
> tong balang air bagi memastikan setiap minyak yang diisi dapat dipastikan.
> "Ada juga orang macam ni…menyusahkan orang lain. Jika macam tu baik guna
> tong air letak dalam bonet lagi senang lihat bila dah penuh," ujar Abdul
> Kadir Saat. – MYNEWSHUB.CC
Anda mempunyai masalah dibawah:
1. Ada masalah dengan "Bounce Email" ?
2. Ahli membuat post yang tidak releven ?
3. Kena Ban ?
4. Posting lambat / tidak disiarkan ?
5. Tidak boleh "Post Mesej" ?


Post message:


Notis Moderator - PENTING Fri Nov 30, 2012


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